Amaranth101 on youtube finds all the cool stuff.


Bass Gear Geek
Nov 14, 2005
Link to profile.

No idea who this is but he always digs up NW stuff sometimes the day after the show. :kickass:

One of my subscriptions out there. :cool:

Check out some of the newest stuff from the Lowlands festival.


Warning, video contains footage of shirtless old guys. :ill:

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EWW DONT NEED THE SHIRTLESS OLD GUYS >.< *scrubs retinas with bleach and a dobie pad*
Lmao at the shirtless old guys :p

I love their account like srsly.
They always have great quality, I hate how people put the video of a gig on there even though the quality is terrible you have to go through like six of them before you find a good quality one.
But yeah, they're great ^_^