Ambient, IDM and blog


A Killer Robot
Jul 1, 2005
Kent, England
If anybody fancies working on some collabs - albums, tracks, production - I'd be very much up for it, just let me know. I'm open to working with any style.

Article about 'On Earth' by Mark Barton featured on Losing Today (

'an abundance of tearfully tweaked treasures to be found here all cut and crafted with the kind of fragile flair that aside making you feel somehow numbed and in awe have a distractive tendency to tweak your senses and make you feel compelled to snuggle up and give them a consolatory cuddle o...r two. Best viewed we feel in the wee dark hours, there’s something of a concerning belief about these cavernous epitaphs that you sense left to the hustle and bustle of the day’s busyness that they’ll somehow lose something in their translation, something that the dead air provided for by the atmospheric advances of the twilights stillness will nurture, tame and allow time for them to unfurl and ultimately saturate and bathe the silent passages with their bleakly beautiful opines.

On Earth is the deeply affecting and romantically souring ambient alter ego of Tunbridge Wells based musician Chris Sanson who it seems is possessed of an artistry exquisitely honed and informed by noir framed dronal recitals and an acute grasp of ice tipped minimalist classicism, all at once intimate, detached and deeply desolate, On Earth crafts finitely porcelain curvatures of expressive sepia trimmed tenderness, aching and hurting for the best part these reflectively nostalgic overtures are stained with a bitter sweet solace that reference wise orbit realms more readily occupied by the likes of Max Richter, Hauschka and Bronnt Industries Kapital. From the optimistic wide eyed Brontean rushes of the Fort Dax like ’rosebud’ which opens proceedings here found beautifully dissipating into sweetly melancholic montages of sighing crestfallen opines to the hymnal and reverential tonalities of the fragile chamber like ecclesiastical sounding ‘oak‘ that momentarily takes you back to your formative childhood years simultaneously quietly inspiring you with its dustily scratched glassy textures, On Earth veer and apply a spectral alchemy that at times could easily pass for the lost link that unites the universes of Harold Budd with those of a youthful Ryuichi Sakamoto albeit the latter considerably scaled down as a miniature portrait.

Elsewhere mention should be made of the celestial overture ’risen’ replete as it is with its wide screen aspect like cortege of droning crests while the aptly titled ’floating tapestry’ provides the set with its most telling moment - a six and a half minute orbiting symphony which like the aforementioned ‘oak’ is delicately airbrushed with a hymnal texture that‘s all at once graceful, statue-esque and blissfully hushed. There’s an album entitled ’one touch of nature’ which is free to download via the pocket change imprint as well as an EP on the much admired Make Mine Music label as part of their ‘Clouds’ series entitled ‘with eyes turned skyward’ not to mention the ‘Gnosis’ EP which you can grab for nowt from Black Winter Recordings - all of which we’ll endeavour to nail, hear and review for a future mention.'

Links are in my sig, but here are a few more. Enjoy.

Trepans (IDM/Ambient Noise)
On Earth (Ambient/Drone)
Music Blog
My Music Facebook
My Music Youtube
Last FM (On Earth)

On Earth - One Touch of Nature
[]Alternate link (The Sirens Sound Blog)[/url]
On Earth makes his online debut with the simply amazing “One Touch Of Nature”. On Earth is skilled at bringing you ambient sounds in the line of Brian Eno and Harold Budd. It is quite promising to hear that these kinds of celestial sounds are still being found, here on earth.

On Earth - With Eyes Turned Skyward

On Earth presents his entry into the Clouds series, With Eyes Turned Skyward. This is an EP that holds everything that is On Earth and Clouds all in one neat package. The three tracks are some of the best modern ambient compositions you’ll ever hear, and it’s a shame that this artist isn’t hitting it off big yet. If you like Brian Eno, Eluvium, Lichens, or any other modern ambient musicians, you’re not to miss this release.
You couldn’t pay for better ambient sounds.

Trepans - Trepans

On Earth’s new project Trepans makes its debut here on mine, all mine! records with a suitably epic self-titled release. Equal parts ambiance and dance groove fuels this ethereal full-length. This is a must-have.

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