american horror story

It slows down around the middle but then really picks up towards the end with the last few episodes. Hang in there, John. It's a great show.

Every season will be a different family because next season they're changing location and people. It's like a mini-series within a series. I really like that because you can actually get some sort of closure (or not, depending on the story) without having to watch it every single week for some new dramatic change, only to have it drag on for years like every other series.
Yar, one episode to go! Glad I watched this.

Although I must say, every great show has a woman that makes it insufferable. Dexter with Rita, Breaking Bad with Skyler, this show and Vivian.
Yar, one episode to go! Glad I watched this.

Although I must say, every great show has a woman that makes it insufferable. Dexter with Rita, Breaking Bad with Skyler, this show and Vivian.

Are you serious? She gives the best performance out of the entire cast. Jessica Lang is getting all of the props, but she was just a close second...more weird and selfish than anything.

Totally agree with you about Rita though, much less about Skyler (yeah, she can be a neurotic bitch at times, but she also seems like a "real" person). Did you make it to Season four yet? In the first two seasons she just comes off as Walt's interloping and controlling wife, but she progresses a hell of a lot over time. Besides that, the narrative follows Walt for most of the show and she's only a supporting character, so you really only get to see the more dramatic parts with her.
Oh, I wasn't questioning her acting. Just hate the character herself. Same with Skyler.

And yeah, finished Breaking Bad. So much better than Dexter. This last season of Dexter was absolute garbage, I've lost faith/interest in that show.
Not big on Westerns. Anything else?

You should at least watch the first episode to see if you feel it's worth watching or not. I typically cannot stand most westerns, and only enjoy the occasional movie (i.e. Unforgiven and Tombstone). From watching the previews, I didn't think this show would do it for me either, but it's really good. It's mostly just a character drama and the leads are just fantastic.
Unforgiven is a classic. You should at least watch that one sir....If you don't you will be...


See what i did there....

It would have actually been funny if you had added "dubbed" in there.

but i think everyone seen that by now right?!

The first two episodes were enough for me. When every other word is an expletive, it doesn't leave much room for good character development. That was five or six years ago though. Maybe I'll revisit it.
Currently on episode 10 of the first season of Mad Men. Now I get what all of the hype was about. It just sounded really boring and pretty much everything I usually stay away from (late 50's early 60's and offices). It really was one of the best shows on television and makes me wonder how AMC keeps shooting a bullseye again and again.
thats one i tried to get into and watched a few episodes and it was just kinda boring and no one wanted to keep watching it. i think around that time the first season of sparticus came out too and its pretty obvious what wins bigscreen time there knowwhatimsayin
So I went back to Deadwood for a second attempt, and it is actually a really great show. The expletives really are overdone, but after a while you become desensitized to it. Only through the first season so far, and I can easily admit to being wrong about there being a lack of character development. Almost everyone on the show seems like a real person and there's some obvious despicable characters, but there's no straight up "epitome of good" since even the most noble characters have some major flaws. Ian Mcshane's character is like the devil incarnate, yet he's one of the most interesting to watch. The scene when the reverend walks into the general store and asks Bullock and Star if they are his friends was amazing too.

It was funny watching this show years after having initially skipped it and watching all of the shows I've seen since, because I see all of these actors that have been in other series since then. I am glad that Jane is gone though after Frank Lundy got axed; she really was an obnoxious drunk. Edit: Hmm, I guess she returns somewhere in Season 2. :bah:

I also randomly just stumbled across the show Justified on a DVD stand today(starring one of the main stars from Deadwood). Haven't watched it yet, but it too is getting rave critical praise, and I've liked pretty much everything Timothy Olyphant has been in so far.