Americans are naturally quite defensive aren't they?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Why is that?

I mean, any level of criticism is taken really badly. And this isn't just about the USA as a whole, but even state to state.

There's also this natural need to be ultra-competitive in absolutely everything you do, whether at school or work, college sports, jock mentality etc. Screw the fellow man over to move up in life and so forth.

Do I notice this because I'm a Brit living here, or do Americans recognize this as well?

Talk to me.
you obviously have never been to rural Eastern Europe ... where defensiveness / shit talking / gossip ... are all an elevated art form
lurch70 said:
you obviously have never been to rural Eastern Europe ... where defensiveness / shit talking / gossip ... are all an elevated art form
hahaha isnt italy like this as well?
No I've never been to Eastern Europe, but I can honestly say, I've never been to any country that is so defensive about everything, and this even applies to the competitive nature between its own citizens. e.g. state vs state feuds.

And I don't mean sports, because that's everywhere, I'm just talking about day to day shit.

It could be a commonwealth thing though: The English, Aussies, Kiwis, Candians...all just so much more chilled out.
hahaha seriously i couldnt tell you. ive never lived anywhere else. the only thing i can say is that southerners are all fucking close talkers, and talk wayyyyy too much in general compared to midwesterners. EVERYONE here is a christian too.
conversation in ohio: "do you go to church?"
conversation in TN: "what church do you go to?"
"well, we were going to such and such but they're way too liberal."
jimbobhickville said:
As the mighty Peter Griffin once said:
In fact, I'm the least competitive, so I win.

Awesome! :tickled:

I remember when I was leaving PA to move to MA. The cab driver taking me to the airport was beside himself about why I would ever consider Boston over Philadelphia. He got really obnoxious too. Then I remembered the WC Fields sketch:

When awarding some prize to these competition winners, the 2nd prize was two weeks in Philadelphia. 1st prize? One week in Philadelphia.
did you guys see this story...House Speaker Denny Hastert does a photo op press dealy ref. fuel costs at a gas station, and is seen driving away in a hydrogen fueled vehicle.

however, it only takes him just down the street where he jumps out and gets into his regular gas gulping SUV

dorian gray said:
bwahahahaha where do you get this shit?

edit: @ lizuuurdd
I have a few news blogs I usually check each morning, like
lurch70 said:
you obviously have never been to rural Eastern Europe ... where defensiveness / shit talking / gossip ... are all an elevated art form
Q4T. Just two weeks ago about 15 minutes from my house one Albanian shot (and killed) another when they got into an argument over a soccer game o_O "that was a foul" "no fuck you" (goes to get gun). The bronx has a high eastern european population (brooklyn too i assume).
General Zod said:
I find that I have no problems with people in this country criticizing it. However, when the criticism comes from abroad, it sometimes irks me.

Yeah, that's the most noticeable aspect. I saw Bill Maher once and his whole show is all about how much he hates George Bush. The day Bush won the 2nd term election, the front page of The Sun (english newspaper) had a big picture of Bush on the front page with the title, "How can 250 million people be so dumb?".

Now if HE had said that, it would be ok. But since The Sun said it, he got annoyed and mentioned something derogatory about Prince Charles, as if anyone would even give a shit. :lol:

It's all topsy turvy I tell ya. :loco: