AMG German Racing Team is hot!!!

Nope, he'll escape early enough. bastard :P. he'll stay in ze germany til wednesday. and we already have a fuckin good time, heh.
Sister Of Sorrow said:
it's called KÖLNER KARNEVAL!!! fuck off with your weird dutch spelling hehe ;)
hmm i don't think he will?

KÖLN?? Ich war mal in Köln, mit 'Wer wird Millionär?' hab zwar nix gewonnen, aber der Abend in Köln war DER HAMMER!!!

Wir sind grade mal in eine Schenke/Brauerei reingekommen....6 Stunden und 400 Kölsch später sind wir wieder rausgekrochen :rock:
Irgendwann komm ich wieder hin...nur wegen dem Bier!
Sister Of Sorrow said:
in fact there's a word quite similar to that one in köllsch, but i have no idea how to spell it...;) but you dutch people hardly celebrate carnival do you? you all should come over to witness carnival in köln. i'm not a big fan of it thou, just of the drunkenness :p

@Lanterns: heh she's alive ;). she reads this forum every now and then but can't be bothered to post here :p

@Parn666: :kickass: !!!

I thought Germans only had Beer Festivals and Sausage Fests?