Amoeba music..

Nov 28, 2002
San Fransisco, CA
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Definitely the coolest music store I have ever been to. Huge store, with a big seperate section for black/death/gothic metal. They had all these cds that I had been trying to find lately, and all for VERY cheap prices.

Anyone else ever been to one? Im in San Fran, but i think theres one in Berkley and Hollywood too. Check one out if youre near one.
Yeah I used to live in Berkeley, that place consumed a good amount of my money from the age of 14 on. I still go there and stock up a few times a year. Great prices, tons of selection, simply put the best record store I've ever been too.
I spend a lot of cash every time I go to the SF one, still haven't been to the LA store though (it's about 400 miles closer to me).
The one in hollywood is ace. Huge metal section with plenty of goodies! They also have occasional in-store performances. Nevertheless the internet shits all over their prices.
$160 US got me 13 cds and a vinyl :)

I was happy, because no used record store in Toronto even comes close to comparing to that. Fucking Canada. That place IS the best record store ever. I went to the Hollywood and San Francisco ones over the course of my vacation, and spent a couple of hours in each, searching franticly through the metal section. Good memories :)
i used to go to the one in Berkely a long time ago (around 10 years ago i guess). i remember back then the place was a complete mess and you couldn't find shit.

now i go to the local Rasputins (another local used place, there's also one by Amoeba) and have pretty good luck there.
I went to the one in Hollywood, it wasn't bad although I didn't spend too much time in the metal section. I got 6 or 7 records for 15 dollars, not a bad deal. Of course I doubt there's a big enough market for Russian folk music to be charging more than 2 or 3 dollars per record.