Amon Amarth DVD


New Metal Member
Mar 7, 2003
Just finished up the DVD... here are some screen captures, and the menus for your viewing pleasure. Thank you to PaganBlood for finding those wallpapers for me.. If anyone wants to trade with me for a copy, let me know. Believe it or not, I still need Versus the World 2 CD Set, :(



WOOOOOOOWWWW man thats fuckin great !!!!
Are u planing to publiush it ????
By the way i wanna say hello cause i'm a new member \m/
AA dvd would be a killer addition, is this dvd something you are doing by yrself? If you have a link with some video sample see how it looks, pls post it, it would not mind checking it out.

For those interested, Enslaved released a dvd called "live retaliation", dvd has a great sound and a lot of old songs and soem new ones from their upcoming album. Too bad that the crowd in Poland was not moving much.
Damn, I got a lot of replies for that... Ok, the DVD is something I make myself. It is a live show that I personally filmed. It was shot on a MiniDV video camera, captured digitally, compressed with CCE, and the DVD Menus/DVD was generated with a program called Scenarist. I can trade it to anyway, but the video is NTSC. If your DVD player only plays PAL DVDs, as most European DVD players do... you're shit outa luck. Also, if anyone can help me get in contact with the band or someone at the label, I would like to film another show coming to Jaxx. It's the Halford tour, and I am worried about going all the way down to virginia to get turned down because Halford hates tapers.. Thanks for all the nice comments, and if anyone of you have filmed them yourself, let me know.. I can do a DVD for your video. - n8
Also, if someone has a very fast connection, and would like to host them on an FTP server so that everyone can check out a song, or if they have a webserver with lots of bandwidth and over 70 megs of space, and you'd like to host it, get in touch with me. - n8
Susi666, this is not an official release. I made it from video that I shot. The only place it is available is out of my house, :) If you are interested in it, drop me an email. Thanks- n8
Good, I used a external microphone when taping the show. Sony ECM-MS907. If anyone is farmiliar with the bootleg trader Pukebomb (one of the most prominent metal filmers/traders in the US), he rated this show a 5/5, perfect. Thanks ! - n8
Since I dont have anything to trade with either, I would really like to se some samples or stuff from it on the web...
If someone can provide me some webspace (hell, even the webmaster!!) I can post full songs. I think their website could use some videos, but can they handle the bandwidth? - n8