Amon amarth in Spain

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New Metal Member
Jan 1, 2009
Hi!! I registered to learn more about Amon Amarth conversation and to discuss with members of the band and their fans, my name is Oliver and i'm Spanish, my English is not very good, sorry if I write bad. I have a band of Amon Amarth instrumental with melodic parts but we havent vocal :( I have any question. Do you have thought about playing for Spain? please!!!!!!:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy AMON AMARTH

See you!!:kickass::kickass:
Alright, now that the search function is officially back, there's no fuckin excuse folks. Just to start things off with, if you're new, and want to start a new thread, search for it first. oh and BTW:

1. New threads asking your favorite AA song will be closed
2. New threads asking about lyrics for Risen From the Sea will be closed
3. Search before asking a mythological question, we've answered a ton of them Specifically in the "Viking Mythology and Everything that Goes With it" thread
4. Amon Amarth means Mountain of Doom in on of the many forms of Tolkien Speak
5. Johan made his bracers himself, metal, huh?
6. Please don't post in a thread that is several years old... let dead threads lie.

7. Don't start threads asking when AA will play your town. We are a group of disparate internet dwellers, not ticketmaster representatives.
and welcome to the forums!
muxas gracias spanish lass! seguramente valla a madrid a gozar de buena musica!!:Smokin::Smokin::Smokin:
soi de marbella, ire en coxe hasta madrid que son unas 6 horitas, pero merecen la pena. el coche ya va lleno XD
Lets hope that fucking douchebag that got fuckin owned by Fredrik doesn't jump back on the forum and tell us about how disappointed he is in AA again....

What a whingin' fuck that was... As if we needed to worsen our reputation abroad, its bad enough as it is.

I am considering going to the Bilbao date, but then in Madrid or Barcelona I could call a few favours and crash at friends' for free... I am always a bit embarrased about doing this, I don't know why!
Yes! Yes! Yes! I already have the ticket!... I will go to the concert in Barcelona! It will be the first time that I see them playing in live... :D Oh mates, I still can't believe it! It's going to be amazing! :rock:
Johan H., Johan S., Ted, Fredrik, Olli, I want and need to tell you THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

Thank you, because the concert in Barcelona was amazing, brutal, awesome, powerful! I sang, screamed and jumped like I never did it before!

Thank you, because I had goosebumps during all the concert, from the beginning till the end. You really moved me! It was the first time that I saw you playing in live but I want you to know that it won't be the last time, that's for sure!

I had the best time of my life, and who did it possible? YOU.

Thank you for your music and for being the best band. See you on tour again as soon as possible!

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