Amon Amarth JomsViking sound


Apr 21, 2014
Montreal, Canada
I had not yet listened to their latest album. Until yesterday. I think it's hands down their best "sound" (and to be honest the album itself, to me, is a great album. I really dig it). And after some Googling, I found out that it was done by no other than Andy Sneap. I didn't know when I first listened to it.

Anybody has a bit of information what was used? What amp/cab was used? If I remember things right, Andy doesn't quad track right? Or was it that he doesn't use 2 SM57, and only 1... I'm confused...

And he normally uses a Kemper I think (or at least that's what I heard in an interview). I would guess here would be either EVH 5150 profile or maybe Dual Rectifier...?

Listening to this JomsViking album, if he really doesn't quad track, that kinda closes the debate in my mind! XD Guitars are just insanely good on that album.
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I remember reading somewhere, that he doesn't quad track anymore. But that bass is quite massive, I can't understand how bass guitar can sound like that :D ......Or maybe I just can't play it.

Yes that is true, but! Two of the songs start with 1 guitar (or "two" if there is quad tracking) only and it's got a killer sound. A ton of chugs, but still well defined.