Amon Amarth makes me want to be a viking


I worship Roope's pick
Oct 17, 2007
when i listen to amon amarth, it makes me want to be on a longship while its poring rain on the ocean, and other vikings screaming. am i crazy or does anyone else think this way
when i listen to amon amarth, it makes me want to be on a longship while its poring rain on the ocean, and other vikings screaming. am i crazy or does anyone else think this way

Don't get me wrong I like rain yet by the first wave, I'm hanging over the edge. I wish it was different but I blame my grandmother for taking me to Tasmania. Turns out it was the second roughest trip in history and I spent all the time in the loo (only place I didn't :puke:), I was only 8 at the time but I'll never forget arriving in Launceston with the Cabin section being totally smashed by two major waves and all the crew up in there leaving in ambulances.

Either that, or it was that cold, my brassies blocked my nose, mouth and stopped me from falling over the edge with all the other passengers. I bet the chef was pissed though :erk:

I do think that the long ships would have faired better, and one of those had been my first trip instead of that rusty bucket they called a luxury liner.

Even though boats aren't my thing, I do love enduring the ride out into the ocean so I can dive beneath and swim through the reefs. Sheesh, I miss coffin bay and dangerous reef and spent many days exploring the ocean beneath the waves.
i'm really not a more barbarian celt than a viking...but I love them.
We stand and fight for our freedom!
i really think amon amarth needs to have like some viking fest thing where everyone dresses up like vikings and drink all day long
Tbh I think that the masses of wannabes who are like "omg! Im a viking lolz!" would be quite demeaning to Amon Amarth's music :/

If you have norse roots then sure, be proud of your heritige. But pfft @ anyone else.
even if they dont have the "viking heritage" thing, that doesnt mean they cant say that, because the word viking means pillager or somethin, i read it from a book
Tbh I think that the masses of wannabes who are like "omg! Im a viking lolz!" would be quite demeaning to Amon Amarth's music :/

If you have norse roots then sure, be proud of your heritige. But pfft @ anyone else.

Norse Roots are slightly overatted.

Anyone who can trace their family to the east coast of britain and too a lesser extent, north of france can claim norse roots. I can trace my family back to the east of Scotland, so chances are I am of Norse roots... In fact, chances are most people have norse roots.
Damn, I forgot how hard to the eyes these schoolyard conversations were until this thread. Which btw has been posted over and over. I guess it must be due to the approaching AA tour to the US. We have a new crowd of fierce young vikings ready to build ships and raise their wooden swords at the local fair.

I suggest that some might want to look up the definition of norse before posting non sense. Therefore, I call upon Tyra to sort out this thread.
Heh, yeap. Considering the eastern half of England was once ruled by the Danes and Norweigans, who also believed in a higher degree of personal hygiene then the other folks (thus attracting the women, and the complaints of the men)... not to mention that Anglos, Saxons and Jutes who settled the south were neighbors (to the Norse) with a similar culture.
And, besides, viking was more of job description. There are plenty of recorded Irish, German, English, Latvian, etc. folk crewing on viking ships. ;)
Tbh I think that the masses of wannabes who are like "omg! Im a viking lolz!" would be quite demeaning to Amon Amarth's music :/

All this discussion of ancestry n shit is all kinda pointless considering my main gripe with this thread is above.
Tbh I think that the masses of wannabes who are like "omg! Im a viking lolz!" would be quite demeaning to Amon Amarth's music :/

If you have norse roots then sure, be proud of your heritige. But pfft @ anyone else.


(although its true many europeans probably have at least one viking ancestor, that whole viking jack off thing coming from confirmed non-scandinavians is getting pretty old and too wanabe-like... reminds me of wiggers).
btw, Odinism is recognised as a religion in Spain, its the only european pagan religion recognised thanks to the insistance of its followers. Its cool but wtf? Celtiberian or roman paganism would make more sense in Spain. That viking trend is getting ridiculous.
Damn, I forgot how hard to the eyes these schoolyard conversations were until this thread. Which btw has been posted over and over. I guess it must be due to the approaching AA tour to the US. We have a new crowd of fierce young vikings ready to build ships and raise their wooden swords at the local fair.

I suggest that some might want to look up the definition of norse before posting non sense. Therefore, I call upon Tyra to sort out this thread.

No shit, how many times have you seen threads with either people claiming their norse/viking heritage or wishing they were...enough already. I believe this thread was about their music and the vibe and energy it gives off, not the roots of your ancestors.
No shit, how many times have you seen threads with either people claiming their norse/viking heritage or wishing they were...enough already. I believe this thread was about their music and the vibe and energy it gives off, not the roots of your ancestors.

Your right dude, thats exactly why i posted this, im talking about the energy it gives off and stuff when i listen to the music.
Yeah, but I'm always good for at least one derailment per thread. While AA might not be "battle metal", per se, they certainly make me want to look for worthy foes. There's a reason I drag the stereo out to my forge when I'm working. :)