Amon Amarth needs...


Master of War
Feb 21, 2003
Posters. Big full size posters. I have to small promo posters for the last two discs, but how cool would it be to have a full size poster or a flag with the cover of The Avenger or Once Sent.. on it? Logo patches would be pretty sweet too. What do you guys think?
Well me and my g/f have started a Shrine for AA on our wall. We recently moved into a place together so we though fuck it, its time for a fucking shrine! the crusher poster there is from Freddy himself hehe!
PaganBlood said:
Well me and my g/f have started a Shrine for AA on our wall. We recently moved into a place together so we though fuck it, its time for a fucking shrine! the crusher poster there is from Freddy himself hehe!

Fucking sweetness! Where did you get all that stuff?

You're lucky you live on the other side of the planet, otherwise I'd come over and steal it all. :p
PaganBlood said:
Well me and my g/f have started a Shrine for AA on our wall. We recently moved into a place together so we though fuck it, its time for a fucking shrine! the crusher poster there is from Freddy himself hehe!

that is truly an amazing shrine. i myself am just mesmorized, and its very difficult to get my attention in that manner. bravo, bravo, bravo.
Damn Australians, always get all the kewl shizit. Btw, do you ever leave yr backdoor opened, I mean if I ever come by the Aussie land I might just swing by at night and help myself.
I don't ever wanna hear Aussies bitch about not getting any metal goodies, never again.
PaganBlood said:
Well me and my g/f have started a Shrine for AA on our wall. We recently moved into a place together so we though fuck it, its time for a fucking shrine! the crusher poster there is from Freddy himself hehe!
I'm jealous. I'm jealous, I'm jealous, I am jealous.
iAMtheblackwizards said:
I'd get to it first, and if not id just rob you, and you live in the same state as me apparently so i really am the winner here. :D

I could see it turning into some kind of repeated stealing between you and me. Kind of like rival frat houses and trophies or something.

Did I mention I have lots of sharp weapons in my room? :D