Amon Amarth needs...

Fighting with a sword isn't that cool until you actually do it for a while. For practice you usually use a wooden sword at first (but that makes sense), but the moves are real basic, until you prove you wont kill yourself by stabbing yourself in the stomach accidentally, you dont actually learn anything that looks flashy with a sword. Up to this point, i never learned dual wielding. Staff is fun though, and also the most useful weapon you can learn because literally anything can become a staff. Sticks can be fun too. The coolest looking weapon when used right though is a 3 section staff, unfortunately, i have a padded one, and no matter how hard i practice i keep hitting myself in the nuts with it (thank god for the padding haha). So ill stick to swords and regular staves for now.
perhaps they should make a music video i would like to see one because its easy to see and would get much airtime. i would request it every time possible anyone who would'nt does not deserve to live.
PATCHES!!!!!!! PATCHES!!!!!&)T($#)($_#&&_(*

music videos are kinda lame :\ but it would be neat to see some of their lyrical subject matter on film :)
i want a big ass back patch of the once sent cover and the sorrow cover and the avenger cover... hell! all the covers!!!
and i want an amon amarth hat (though i dont wear hats) and a bandana... and a giant cloth banner!!!!
and i want a big ass viking boat with the amon amarth logo on the sides!!! and a big amon amarth banner hanging from it as a flag!!!!
I've already got an AA bag and an AA cut-off Denim jacket which is just self produced anyway. What I'm really planning for however, is to take my huge grey coat from the Estonian/Finnish winterwar, and stitch on the Amon Amarth (golden) logo on the back and only that, no other small stickers.