amon amarth US HEADLINING TOUR!!!!

I swear to god cause of those shit metalcore bands the SCENE kids better leave b4 Decapitated come on or change their shit they are wearing and look viking or death metal. I swear to go if it gets as bad as it got when they played with bodom and i'm at the barracade, and my legs go from bein this l l to \\ cause of crowd surfers or moshin i'm srry but i'm just gonna start goin crazy and kickin the shit out of people behind me. I was pissed last time at the NYC show. Hopefully they play BB's and not Irving or Nokia. But i'm chaining myself to the gate for the next tour so i don't get moved. Don't you just hate that? you get their early to secure ur spot but towards the end of the show you find yourself either to left of the stage or the right of the stage? IT FUCKING SUCKS! Hopefully Sonic Syndicate and Himsa will not be that bad.
I know what you mean and all... but BBs is just too damn small. And last time I saw AA there the stupid mic went out for half a song.
It also happened at the 930 Club.

I'd rather see them at BB Kings, that place is very nice, or Irving Plaza, I really didn't like Nokia Theater that much
November 19 - San Diego, CA @ House of Blues
November 25 - Houston, TX @ Meridian
December 6 - Toronto, ON @ Opera House
It also happened at the 930 Club.

I'd rather see them at BB Kings, that place is very nice, or Irving Plaza, I really didn't like Nokia Theater that much
I'd rather see them at BB too, if I have to get all the way to New York to see them. It'd be infinetely easier for me if they went to the Webster in Hartford or somewhere in Hartford. I don't know if I can make it to New York to see them unless it's on a Saturday or Friday.
I'd rather see them at BB too, if I have to get all the way to New York to see them. It'd be infinetely easier for me if they went to the Webster in Hartford or somewhere in Hartford. I don't know if I can make it to New York to see them unless it's on a Saturday or Friday.

EXACTLY!! Plus BB's is just so much more of an intimate setting. hell it's where the first time i saw them on the Art of Noise tour 2 with Nile. I mean that was a great show, Goatwhore, Amon Amarth, Vader, Kreator, and Nile. GREAT FUCKIN TOUR!! Wish they were tourin with them again. but yeah i also hope

THEY BRING THE LARP and the VIKINGS with them. I WANNA SEE A BATTLE ON STAGE LIKE THE DVD HAHA!!!! doubt it'll happen but oh well.

and in other news I actually heard a new Himsa track on sirius radio the other day. It wasn't that bad. I just really hope their are not that many posers at these shows cause of these bands.
man I can't wait for this tour. Hopefully it will be on a friday or saturday. I am thinking it will be because there are about three or four concerts I cant go to because of the day they are on so according to my logic I will be able to see Amon Amarth.:p