Amon Amarth Wallpaper?


New Metal Member
Mar 7, 2003
I remember seeing some Amon Amarth wallpaper on here a while ago.. I am currently working on making a DVD of a show from Virginia, and I would like to use the wallpapers in the menus. If anyone can point me to where they are, I'd appreciate it. Thanks- n8
i got the wallpaper with the odin picture and the AA on the bottom... (by the way they copied einherjer on that one, they just flipped the picture) i dont know how to put it on here though... if you can clue me in ill give it a shot
I have no idea either bro, I was just hoping they were still on the website and I was just missing them. I guess they got pulled down for some reason?
Hopefully it gets posted again.. if not... if someone has some photos they can scan in a high resolution, drop me a line! My screen name on AIM is Teamwinfan. - n8
All done by Marcos Cerrutti:




WrathChld said:
Mortado - something just occurred to me - how did you get close-up photos of GWAR? Specifically, didn't your camera get soaked in blood?

Firstly I have a tube with a UV filter protecting my lens, saved my ass when a bunch of lamp oil from Impaled's fire breating bit hit me :) . Secondly I kept the camera in a ziploc bag with a hole cut out for the lens to stick through. Last but not least I kept a close eye on things and turned around when the blood came my way, the back of my head and my back got soaked but my camera stayed nice and dry :)
think i'll make some aa walls sometime, i made some bodom ones a while ago..[link]
i'm going to take some pictures of a "domarring" (literally: judges ring) and other viking sites this week, might be able to use them to make something nice :)

nice work btw M.