Amon Amarth


May 2, 2003
Fortress of Arrogance
I've been listening to them a bit recently and I think they're pretty excellent. Anyone got any thoughts on them? What would you class them as - black/death? (Don't mention Viking metal I don't want to start any arguments...).
Anyway, what's their best album? :headbang:
I don't know what their best album is, it's probably Once Sent From The Golden Hall, but my favourite is Versus The World. Tis the most epic and brooding, with the best melodies, although the generally slower pace throughout the album can make it feel a little samey. Still, ...And Soon The World Will Cease To Be is my second favourite metal song ever, so I have to love!

I don't know about them really. I suppose every song, and every release taken on its own is wonderful. They're a strong, solid, and distinctive band. But....considering they do the exact same thing on every album, well, it gets a little old to be honest. Comparable bands are Bolt Thrower, Malevolent Creation, Cannibal Corpse....bands with lots of releases, and doing the same thing over and over again. Not inherently bad, if the music is great, as it is in all the bands I mentioned I think, but it starts to become unsatisfying. Amon Amarth are pretty bad for sticking to a formula, however successful it is. They're going to start running out of melodies in the next album or two, I guarantee it. Fate of Norns is slightly subpar with the melody I think...
Well sounds like my kind of band, considering AC/DC and Vader are up there as two of my favourites! Sticking to a formula isn't always bad - if only Metallica had done that after "Justice" we'd all still be Metalli-bangers. :bah:
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Decent band ruined by the fact that they release the same album every few years.

That's about right.

I wouldn't go so far as to say Bolt Thrower "does the same thing over and over again." Their style has changed slowly but significantly since their formation many years ago.
Black/death? :guh: Definitely standard Swedish death metal, with a bit of a melodeath touch. Cool band, though. Once Sent From the Golden Hall is a fucking EXCELLENT album, and the three after that were all pretty good. Haven't heard the new one, but the preview track they posted was moderately uninspiring. Good filler, but when that's what they choose to represent the album, it worries me.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Decent band ruined by the fact that they release the same album every few years.
I Like everything they did up to, and including, The Avenger. Although Thousand Years Of Oppression is a great song.

@V.V.V.V.V.-Thanks for recomending Dew Scented, their latest is a damn fine album.
Demiurge said:
That's about right.

I wouldn't go so far as to say Bolt Thrower "does the same thing over and over again." Their style has changed slowly but significantly since their formation many years ago.
Yeah, but since War Master it's all been pretty much the same.
I've been really into them recently.. Once Sent... or Avenger are definitely my favorite.... I heard the first track off of Fate of Norns and it sounded fucking excellent in my opinion. I really need to hear the rest.

I guess I'd classify them as melodeath but not the usual kind... they got a whole different attitude
Of the three times I have seen them live they swept me off my feet. "Amon Amarth" possess such a strong stage presence that unfortunatley goes unnoticed.