Amon Amarth

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
I am looking for thoughts or impressions on Amon Amarth. I have heard "Masters of War" and "Bastards of a Lying Breed", off of their latest CD "The Crusher". I thought both tracks were pretty good. How is the rest of the disc? How does "The Crusher" compare to previous releases? Thanks.

I checked the Crusher out at HMV a few months back, and was unimpressed. I really enjoyed what I heard on their previous two albums, but what I heard on the Crusher seemed bland and uninspired. However, that was a one listen impression, so I may have to pick it up eventually, in the event that it may be a "grower" of an album....
Unfortunately, it's not a "grower." It's just a piece of crap, and uninspired crap at that. Smelly, brown, fetid, uncreative, rotten, fly-infested... well you get the idea :)
I bought it, and gave it to a friend within a week. Their older stuff, however, is quite a bit better.
Their first MCD and Once Sent From the Golden Hall are both high quality. I haven't been able to get in to The Avenger much and haven't bothered checking out The Crusher. But I might get to see them live shortly. They're finally touring the US, with Marduk! :)