Amon Amarth


Nov 1, 2001
Any fans here? I've been one for long, since I purchased Sorrow Throughout The Nine Worlds. The Crusher is one of the best albums I've got. Maybe not so progessive but damn empowering. Much better than Forlorn, Enslaved etc. which is viking metal too but much more black metal orientated.

NP: Sepultura-Murder
I like Amon Amarth's two first releases a lot! Especially "Once sent from the golden hall" is among my favourite swedish metal records... :)
As for "The Avenger" I found it a bit mediocre:( .. After that I lost my interest in Amon I haven't bought The Crusher...
i dislike the guitars on most of their songs. they are like a thick nebula surrounding and muting everything else. i tend to get bored after a few tracks. but now and then, they can be quite entertaining.
Amon Amarth bores me. I think it is because I don't like the guitars or the vocals, I don't know, but I most certainly think their first albums are better than their last two. I think Crusher and Avenger sort of suck. My friend can't get enough of them, I can.
Amon Amarth slays. Their first albums are great, and their last two are ok. He may not be all that technical, but Fredrik Andersson is a great drummer. Each and every Amon Amarth album is Amon Amarth. Mabey the lack of progression is one reason some of you dont like them, but at least I know what I'm getting.
I had been hearing about Amon Amarth for a while, so I went to Media Play to see if they had any of their CDs, and they had Once sent... and the Crusher. Since Once Sent... had Martin Lopez, I bought it right then. I absolutley love that album!! The guitars are awesome, the drums of course rule, the vocals took a little getting used to, but now I like them. All in all a kick-ass band.

Has anyone else noticed how many bands name themselves after places\things in Lord of the Rings? Amon Amarth, Gorgoroth and Morgoth spring to mind...
not only are many bands named according to LOTR, they also use a lot of lyrics based on this book, which is rather normal as LOTR is to be said the mother of all fantasy books.
but have a look through any compilation of gods and demons... you will find a tremendous amound of band names in there. tiamat or marduk for example.
Originally posted by Lakestream
Burzum is also taken from LOTR

I believe that comes from:

"Ash nazg durbatuluk,
Ash nazg grimbatul,
Ash nazg thrakatuluk,
Agh Burzum-ishi kimpatul."

Burzum means darkness.

(One ring to rule them all,
One ring to find them,
One ring to bring them all,
And in the darkness bind them)

Should I be embarrassed that I know that?

Anyhow. I love Amon Amarth. They were the first melodic death band I got into, (along with God Dethroned), and Once Sent from a Golden Hall is one of my favorite albums. The Avenger and Sorrow Throughout the Nine Kingdoms are realy good too, but The Crusher is pretty boring. I'm hoping they reschedual their American tour, that I might be able to see them...

On a side note, In Flames are also touring soon, (with Slipknot, though. I guess you gotta take the bad with the good). I would love to see them as well.
I remember Varg Vikernes saying in an interview something like
"Burzum means either light or dark...It depends on how you see it...If you're a christian it means darkness.If you're a pagan it means the LIGHT! "
