Amon Merch/Info Tour


Jul 9, 2007
London, ON, Canada
Alright fuckers, espically whos going tomorrow

heres my requests

How many hoodies are there? and the prices?
How many shirts are there and the prices?
Any other thing Amon-related merch? IF yes? what are they?

see other bands about the prices too


How long did amon play?
What songs?
and when did the concert ended?

Did the band hang outside the venue? (for people who went to early)

Edit: Clint please do not drag this to New North American Tour
i want this to get more attention so i could get my Q's answerd!
Im going tomorrow in Anahiem! Should be a blast! Ive seen them 4 times so far and everytime im impressed with their live performance. I'll check out the Merch booth and try to remember some/most of the songs. Unfortunately I'm only familiar with Versus the World, Fate of Norns, and WOOOS so some of the older songs may go past me..... except of course the super classics: Victorious March etc. Anyways I'll try. The new songs they will probably announce.

Also I think it will only be Ensiferum and AA tomorrow no other openers. Hopefully this means a longer AA setlist at least for tomorrow. :rock:

Oh crap I just noticed its 1am... I guess its today then!!! :)
rich? now yes

i've been working for 2 months now saved up 500-700 for merch only

after paying for my bobbleheads to :D

Are you really going to buy $500 worth of merch??? If you do you'll need to save some of that money for a wheelbarrow to put all of the merch in:goggly:
It's only 9:20 pacific time, you're going to be waiting for a while I think :) The show started at 8PST I think
if you dont want to carry your merch, just simply ask the merch guy to hold it for you till the end of the show. Pay him/her first for the stuff you want, tell him/her that you dont want to carry it and see if he/she can keep it for you and just let you come pick it up later after the show ends. If you're buying $500 worth of stuff i'm SURE she/he's very happy to do it for you as long as you give him/her some tip like $1-$2. You can even make some friends ;)
LOL the merch guy/girl is not going anywhere. 100% of the time they dont have the time to cheat you out of your money, dont worry. Plus...most of them are good people and i've made friends with a lot of them. You'd be surprised a lot of the merch guys/girls are also tour managers. Make friends with them you might have it even easier to get to meet the band after the show.
Wow my ears are gone. Sorry man I didnt even see the merch booth at the show. They changed the background of their stage to the Twilight album cover... same with the drums. Also there were two "a" logos up top by the lights setup. The intro was the same as before. There were no other surprises really... pretty similar to the last North American tour just with new songs.
From what i could see there was 4 shirts and one hoodie, wrist bands, ties, cds, the dvd, and some patches and a cloth wall poster. They did the meet and greet really cool guys even got them to sign my dvd slip for twilight, great show had a fucking blast!

1-5 the order is correct
6-9 the right songs but not order (did my best so maybe)
10 Right
11-13 the right songs but order is not (again did my best to remember)
14-15 right

i could be missing one song inbetween the 6-9 but im 95 percent sure i got them all

1.Twilight of the THunder god
2. Free Will Sacrifice
3. Asator
4.north sea storm
5. Where Silent Gods stand guard
6.Valhalla Awaits Me
7.Guardians of Asgard
8.Runes come to my memory
9.Tattered banners and bloody flags
10. Amon Amarth
11.Where is your god
12. Gods of war arise
13. Death in Fire

14. Cry of the black birds (with intro)
15. Pursuit of vikings

shirts were 20 thats all i saw
Which designs did the shirts and hoodie have? Obviously one shirt has the Twilight cover.