Amorphis Show


Here's to hoping...
Jan 24, 2004
Well since i've mentioned it here and there on my posts on here, I thought i'd make a topic about my bands show w/Amorphis and Beyond The Embrace yesterday.

We ended up getting the slot right before Beyond The Embrace, which was very cool since it allowed a lot more people to show up and be there when we finally got on.

Not much to say about our show except it went better than I was even hoping it could've. We had a few sound problems and a few very minor screw ups in our songs, but overall, this show was solid as hell.

Amorphis was very cool as well. Played a lot of older stuff...too much older stuff. They did play a few songs off of newer albums though, and those songs were quite awesome.

Now, one of the main reasons I'm making this topic is just to show the ND guys how much I love you, and this being our first major show, be sure to look at what shirt i'm wearing in this picture:

:D If anyone is wondering, we're recording our first EP soon, and then the real madness begins.

Just thought i'd let you guys know that it went well!

Thanks for reading. :wave:

Master_Debater said:
TOO much old stuff? They played TOO much old stuff???

Are you mad??

haha, yea. I'm a bigger fan of the newer stuff.

Old stuff sounds a LOT better live though, the keyboard isnt as overbearingly present as on CD.
Master_Debater said:
TOO much old stuff? They played TOO much old stuff???

Are you mad??

Ahhh *cracks knuckles* Here's my chance to "vent" about the Amorphis show, LOL.....

Yes, in my opinion as well, they played "too much old stuff". I realise that for the old school fans, it was a pleasant surprise. I'm an old school fan myself, having been into the band since the first album. But Amorphis have changed alot over the years, dare I use the term "progressed", and I have changed along with them. I thoroughly enjoy the recent albums. In fact the much maligned-by-many "Am Universum" album is one of my favorite albums of all time. I really like the direction the band was heading in with that cd and "Far From The Sun". However, I guess perhaps the problem I had with the show wasn't so much that the song selection was poor, but that their new singer couldn't quite pull off the clean stuff so well. Almost everything was sung with a growl, even certain parts where there originally was a "clean" vocal (such as the chorus for "Alone" which the new vocalist decided was better done as a death growl. Yuck.) So I guess what concerns me is this....if this new guy winds up being a permanent addition, and he leans so heavily towards the more growly vocals, and his clean vocals are a bit weak, then where does this leave the future direction of the band? I guess time will tell.

We walked out of that show, Paul and I, with very different attitudes....he was grinning and pleasantly surprised with how good it sounded, and I was disappointed, lol. That's the thing with a band like Amorphis...when you've gone through so many stylistic changes over time, you're going to have alot of different fans who prefer different sounds, songs, etc. They'll never be able to please everyone. That's something I can relate to, a bit LOL

Overall I still thought the band themselves played great but I was left a bit flat with the vocals. Perhaps with time that new guy will improve and adapt more to the newer Amorphis style as well as the old. I hope so, because unlike so many other fans it would seem, I'd prefer to hear another "Far From The Sun" album from them, rather than another "Karelian Isthmus".
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
And good to hear that your gig went so well Mike, and thanks for wearing our shirt! :)

No problem! It was cool because about 5 or 6 people complimented me on it and asked me where I got it. So you guys are getting to be quite popular. :p
I just got turned onto Amorphis fairly recently, but I'm actually more partial to the newer material of theirs as well. I really enjoy the vocalists who use both the deathish growls and the clean vox, and I liked how well Pasi could do both the styles. I hope as well that the newb will develop the clean vox to try and push the band further in the direction they were going with "Far From the Sun".
Yeah, the shirt gets a lot of attention, guys! I wore mine tonight to Fantomas and had a couple of people ask me about it, one guy even got into my car to listen to the first few tracks off of TPHD with me while we waited to get in. He asked me to burn it, I told him to buy it haha. I probably would have gotten more inquiries but I bought a Fantomas jacket and had to wear that for the rest of the show (yeah I'm a big Patton fangirl loser). I'm trying! I gotta make up for the stupidity of Austin.
I've noticed that growls get a really strong but cheap pop. Like when Fear Factory first came back. I caught a set where they did a surprising amount of Soul of a New Machine material. People were ecstatic. Then they came around a few months later and had a better set w/ wider variety and there were points where people just didn't seem into it.
Now I know Amorphis is different b/c their material's stronger over all but hey... I should still be in bed and it's my day off so I lost my point somewhere in there. Fuck. I should drink coffee!
I'm not trying to be contrarian, but I think Amorphis' new singer has great clean vox. In his other band Nevergreen, he sings exclusively clean, no growls. So I think he's a newcomer to the growls, not the clean stuff. He's a stronger singer than Pasi (who was damn cool in his own right).

I don't know about other cities, but in the Boston area Amorphis do really well. They even headlined the Mass MetalFest a couple of years ago, playing to a couple thousand people. :headbang:
Oded said:
I'm not trying to be contrarian, but I think Amorphis' new singer has great clean vox. In his other band Nevergreen, he sings exclusively clean, no growls. So I think he's a newcomer to the growls, not the clean stuff. He's a stronger singer than Pasi (who was damn cool in his own right).

I don't know about other cities, but in the Boston area Amorphis do really well. They even headlined the Mass MetalFest a couple of years ago, playing to a couple thousand people. :headbang:

We played that fest, as well as with Amorphis and Opeth here in Chicago. Pasi was also in the band, so I think this time around, people we're turned off by this and at least the Chicago turn out, was poor at best. MAYBE 75 people.
I saw you guys at that Mass MetalFest, and also at the Cambridge gig with the Gathering. Wasn't that the place with the 6 foot-high ceilings? :lol:
Shit, on the subject of weird venues, remember the New Jersey fest in Pennsauken, with the poles in front of the stage, and two bands playing side by side separated only by a curtain? I think Deceased were playing at the same time as ND!
Now THAT fest was a fucking sham! :D
The MIDGETS! Fucking hell. Not to mention Sentenced flying from Finland exclusively for the show, only to play an 8 minute long set. And Stryper. And getting into a fight with some South Jersey Redneck wearing a Ratt shirt! :D

Sorry, rant over. It's just that Koshick events tend to bring back lots of weeeeird memories, few of them positive. :guh: :lol:
Oded said:
I'm not trying to be contrarian, but I think Amorphis' new singer has great clean vox. In his other band Nevergreen, he sings exclusively clean, no growls. So I think he's a newcomer to the growls, not the clean stuff. He's a stronger singer than Pasi (who was damn cool in his own right).

I don't know about other cities, but in the Boston area Amorphis do really well. They even headlined the Mass MetalFest a couple of years ago, playing to a couple thousand people. :headbang:

Well I am basing my opinion of the guy from what I saw and heard of him live at the show here a few weeks ago. I've never heard him in his other band. Perhaps it was the rigors of the road wearing on him, but honestly he was struggling with the clean vocals pretty badly. Regardless, my main concern is that Amorphis don't wind up taking a step backwards and retreading the more death metal stylings that they have already done in the distant past. If this new guy can indeed sing clean quite well, I hope they will utilise it properly.

And yeah Paul is right, there were barely 75 or so people there at the Chicago show, which was quite a shame. When they played here with Opeth in 2001, they sold out the House of Blues. I'm sure Opeth contributed alot to that turnout, but at the same time they weren't quite the phenomenon they have become now, so who knows....
Fair enough, man. Check out his other band's mp3s if you want: I'm not that crazy about the music itself, but I like his voice, at least on record.

Right with you on Amorphis not backtracking. I think Tuonela was their best, just a trace of the growly vocals accenting the clean. I'd guess they may backtrack next cd since Far From The Sun doesn't seem to be well-received, but who knows.

What I really want from Amorphis: a truly fucked up, visionary prog album- like Elegy, but deeper into that concept. Hawkwind for 2005, maybe?
not to mention the jay and silent bob shop being closed about 5 minutes before driving across new jersey for it. that was the trip that made me never use mapquest- any directions site that takes you through neighborhoods you could killed in is off my list.