Amorphis-Silent Waters


Power Metal Maniac
Jul 8, 2005
Dixieland USA
I recently picked up a copy of this CD in preparation for their upcoming set at PPUSA IX. I had their first 5 albums at one point, so I'm an oldschool Amorphis fan, but haven't heard their last few CDs since they modified their sound. Can't wait to see 'em headlining Friday night! I've been waiting to see them since '96!:notworthy
Granted, Am Universum and Far From the Sun aren't spectacular. However, if you like Silent Waters, you should really listen to Eclipse, as it is the predecessor in style to Silent Waters and is, in my opinion, their best work to date (yes, this includes Tales..., Elegy, and Tuonela).
It's a great CD. My favorite is "I Of Crimson Blood". Regretfully not able to make it to ProgPower, but I'm seeing them the Thursday after.

Aww, that sucks.

Granted, Am Universum and Far From the Sun aren't spectacular. However, if you like Silent Waters, you should really listen to Eclipse, as it is the predecessor in style to Silent Waters and is, in my opinion, their best work to date (yes, this includes Tales..., Elegy, and Tuonela).

+1 on this....although I think I like Silent Waters a bit more than Eclipse. "Towards and Against" remains my favorite from it. :rock:
Granted, Am Universum and Far From the Sun aren't spectacular. However, if you like Silent Waters, you should really listen to Eclipse, as it is the predecessor in style to Silent Waters and is, in my opinion, their best work to date (yes, this includes Tales..., Elegy, and Tuonela).

I agree. Both, Eclipse and Silent Waters fit my taste better than their earlier stuff.

i have also just recently stocked out my amorphis collection, and agree that silent waters and eclipse are truly some of the most amazing projects i've heard in ages. i am super excited about seeing them live in a week! \m/
i have also just recently stocked out my amorphis collection, and agree that silent waters and eclipse are truly some of the most amazing projects i've heard in ages. i am super excited about seeing them live in a week! m/
You and me both, dude! I live just up the road from ya, BTW! See ya there!
I wouldn't pay either, but I could provide the swords. :)

Wow, hard to believe it was a 2007 release. Easily one of my faves.
SW is a 9.75/10 in my book of metal. Very solid CD! Thanks for your kind offer of providing the swords for the swordfight. Oh BTW, are plastic replica swords still allowed at PPUSA and if so, where is the best place to pick up a few of 'em for Elvenking's set?