
LuminousAether said:
Tuonela was FAR from a masterpiece. It was a mediocre album with two great songs, it was the first huge drop off in their quality. I'm all for progressing your sound, but when you drop off the production, talent, and songwriting to such an extent as they did on that album, it's almost shocking. Elegy was at least 2,000 times more interesting than Tuonela and Tales from the Thousand Lakes was much more interesting and enjoyable than Elegy and Tuonela put together. Am Universum was a step up from Tuonela, but it lacked in staying power and the melodies were way too obvious and in your face.

Tuonela WAS a masterpiece. It was a strong album with ten great songs. Although they employed some stylistic changes, there was absolutely no drop off in their quality. There was no production, talent, or songwriting dropoff. Depending on my mood, I derive the same enjoyment from Tales from the Thousand Lakes, Elegy, and Tuonela. Am Universum was a step down from Tuonela. Yes, Am Universum it lacks in staying power, and yes, its melodies were way too obvious and in your face.
i find some songs off tuonela very boring,cant even listen to em.tales tales taleeeeeeeees!!!*bring kasper back*
as for sentenced,they are ok but they put me off as they are promoted like the backstreet boys of Finland.too commercial,all-star frontman,too obvious melodies,too expectable choruses,so everything is easily consumed.sad(e).
execute me.NOW!

you ask, i play :p

about them being predictable. i can agree somehow but i think theyre predictable because you know their music. I mean this, if you heard 2 albums you have a good eye on their songstructure, so yeah
but if you're new to the band theyre not appealing predictable. not?
not.if every album sounds the same basically,with some minor changes then this means fail.the thing is they sound the same every album(talking about new ones)
dont try to convince yourself that they are original etc i was trying to do sth like this in the past.convince myself that i liked all songs off an album,just because it was e.g smashing pumpkins

plus "home in despair"is a rip off no prayer for the dying.remember?hehehe
LuminousAether said:
Tuonela was FAR from a masterpiece. It was a mediocre album with two great songs, it was the first huge drop off in their quality. I'm all for progressing your sound, but when you drop off the production, talent, and songwriting to such an extent as they did on that album, it's almost shocking. Elegy was at least 2,000 times more interesting than Tuonela and Tales from the Thousand Lakes was much more interesting and enjoyable than Elegy and Tuonela put together. Am Universum was a step up from Tuonela, but it lacked in staying power and the melodies were way too obvious and in your face.

:heh: sorry for you !!

I don't know if is better than my long favorite Elegy, you can say that with Am Universum, but Tuonela ?? Is Masterpiece for me, god that instruments!!

then what do you think about Am Universum, please dont tell me is better than Tuonela :erk:

"Am Universum was a step up from Tuonela"

Yes, Am Universum was better than Tuonela. Tuonela had two great songs, The Way and Greed. The rest kind of blew. I could almost never listen to that album all the way through as every song sounded the exact same except for those two. It was almost pathetically boring.
not agreed. (okay i know I should fight for sentenced)

Tuonela got more good songs. Summer's End and Withered are better songs then Greed.
Mariner said:
you got suicidal tendencies? (oh and fuck that bandname :( )

Oh, Suicidal Tendencies are great! :D

Twisted body chopped off feet
Her body was minced meat
Bugs crawling on her arms
She's dead, can't do no harm
Gnarled up legs, broken and bent
Her last breath has been spent

I saw your mommy and your mommy's dead
I watched her as she bled
Chewed off toes on her chopped off feet
I took a picture cause I thought it was neat
But the thing I like seeing the best
Was the rodents using her hair as a nest
I saw your mommy and your mommy's dead
I saw your mommy and your mommy's dead

:grin: We can never understand such depth.

Btw, I think Far from the Sun is a pretty good album. Perfect for a tram ride :)