St. Vitus
River of Understanding
LuminousAether said:Tuonela was FAR from a masterpiece. It was a mediocre album with two great songs, it was the first huge drop off in their quality. I'm all for progressing your sound, but when you drop off the production, talent, and songwriting to such an extent as they did on that album, it's almost shocking. Elegy was at least 2,000 times more interesting than Tuonela and Tales from the Thousand Lakes was much more interesting and enjoyable than Elegy and Tuonela put together. Am Universum was a step up from Tuonela, but it lacked in staying power and the melodies were way too obvious and in your face.
Tuonela WAS a masterpiece. It was a strong album with ten great songs. Although they employed some stylistic changes, there was absolutely no drop off in their quality. There was no production, talent, or songwriting dropoff. Depending on my mood, I derive the same enjoyment from Tales from the Thousand Lakes, Elegy, and Tuonela. Am Universum was a step down from Tuonela. Yes, Am Universum it lacks in staying power, and yes, its melodies were way too obvious and in your face.