Amott leaves ESP

Jed Simon also has a pretty cool Rico model - but overall I think that their guitars are very niche oriented, overpriced, and tacky.

I think Dean has the mystique actually, and they made a killer model for Rusty Cooley recently. Ibanez has made some great things in the past but always manages to fuck something up with each design. Washburn was never cool, Dime went back to Dean as soon as he could. Jackson needs to get over their alder wood obsession, it sounds horrible! They also need to learn about quality control. Fernandes has ceased to make anything interesting, although they could still be revived from near-death by somebody as cool as Mike Amott.

Right now I think ESP and Schecter are making the best mass production guitars on the market, and Dean is stepping things up. I could definitely see Mike Amott with a classic Dean V, it would suit him really well. But Andy says we're all wrong...

Gah, I've never seen a Dean that was cool to me. I did, however, own a Dean Hollywood in college. I found it at a pawn/music store. Cool guitar, good pickups, Kahler trem, I think it was from the 80's. All their new stuff to me looks kinda lame, and it seems the best they can do is beat a dead horse (no pun intended) by releasing a butt load of lame ass "Dime" models.
Gah, I've never seen a Dean that was cool to me. I did, however, own a Dean Hollywood in college. I found it at a pawn/music store. Cool guitar, good pickups, Kahler trem, I think it was from the 80's. All their new stuff to me looks kinda lame, and it seems the best they can do is beat a dead horse (no pun intended) by releasing a butt load of lame ass "Dime" models.

Dude...there is not a number big enough for me to put after a "+" that would embody how much I agree with you on this. I think it's kinda despicable the way they're milking Dime's canonization into sainthood thanks to his untimely death to just make more and more guitars with his name on them (I mean look at their website, there are categories for "electrics," "basses," "acoustics," "Dean USA," and "Dimebag" :Smug: ). I do think the hardtails and Vendettas aren't bad looking (and I actually really like their headstock), but I don't think they offer anything unique in their very crowded respective markets, and everything else is :rolleyes: to :puke: to me.

And I just looked at their website, and counted 33 Dimebag models. Jesus fucking christ...
Dude...there is not a number big enough for me to put after a "+" that would embody how much I agree with you on this. I think it's kinda despicable the way they're milking Dime's canonization into sainthood thanks to his untimely death to just make more and more guitars with his name on them (I mean look at their website, there are categories for "electrics," "basses," "acoustics," "Dean USA," and "Dimebag" :Smug: ). I do think the hardtails and Vendettas aren't bad looking (and I actually really like their headstock), but I don't think they offer anything unique in their very crowded respective markets, and everything else is :rolleyes: to :puke: to me.

And I just looked at their website, and counted 33 Dimebag models. Jesus fucking christ...

Dude, I'm right there with you. At least B.C. Rich is being tasteful about it. They've released the Chuck Shuldiner Signature Model (FINALLY!), and proceeds from all sales go to help Chuck's family with Medical expenses, rather than just basically exploiting a dead LEGEND. And, honestly, I think that is exactly what Dean is doing. They are just Exploiting Dime's name to make a stupid amount of money off of these guitars, when the build quality isn't even worth HALF what they charge for the fucking things.
Dude, I'm right there with you. At least B.C. Rich is being tasteful about it. They've released the Chuck Shuldiner Signature Model (FINALLY!), and proceeds from all sales go to help Chuck's family with Medical expenses, rather than just basically exploiting a dead LEGEND. And, honestly, I think that is exactly what Dean is doing. They are just Exploiting Dime's name to make a stupid amount of money off of these guitars, when the build quality isn't even worth HALF what they charge for the fucking things.

Very well said. I bet Dime is rolling over in his Kiss coffin right now with all these dudes playing Dime models trying to play it off like they were "buds" with him during his life. I bet half those cats never even spoke to him. I mean everyone said he was a class act, but there's no way all those people were bros with him like some try to play it off.
Ehh, never know... Dime tried to make friends with everyone. He really tried to make you feel like you were his "good buddy" right from the get-go. So, I think that may be a factor in ALL these people feeling like they were his friend. He wanted everyone to feel like they were his friend. He was just a very rare, genuine, nice guy.
I know about all that but, like some people talk about him like they were childhood friends, and there's no fuckin way they ALL were. He was a nice guy no doubt though.

Speaking of which, were him and Zakk Wylde actually childhood friends? I mean I know they were chummy and all, but in that BLS video "In this river" or whatever the actual title was, they have them depicted as kids, but it seems unlikely seeing as how I think Zakk Wylde is from New Jersey :lol:
Speaking of which, were him and Zakk Wylde actually childhood friends? I mean I know they were chummy and all, but in that BLS video "In this river" or whatever the actual title was, they have them depicted as kids, but it seems unlikely seeing as how I think Zakk Wylde is from New Jersey :lol:

Nope, they were good friends, no doubt but not in the romanticized sense that the video portrays. I can't even watch that video it's too depressing....
Him going for Parker would be a bit of a change from what one might expect. Though, I've been GASing for a Parker Fly for a month or so now. Could be that I'm on a King Crimson/Adrian Belew kick. Though, I would love to have one with a reverse headstock. But enough about me, I got dibs he goes for Halo Guitars.......................mwhahahahah
Last time I'll say it... unless he gets that Gibson endorsement (which I doubt), he's going to Washburn... just wait and see.
Last time I'll say it... unless he gets that Gibson endorsement (which I doubt), he's going to Washburn... just wait and see.

Maybe it will look a bit like the Nick Catanese model:

Really not a fan of these guitars, the designs all look similar to cool guitars by other companies with something slightly wrong about each one. Although I do like the extended access cut on the Nuno model.
I dunno, man. I'm not really feeling it...

^ That would be cool if he did go to Gibson....I like his old style V's better (which look like gibby's) rather than the Ninja's.

On an entirely different note, by the way, how is his name pronounced? I always said "A-mutt" (with the "A" emphasized and pronounced like in "Anderson" or "Atom")