Amp And Effects


Jun 25, 2007
I have a question for Sarah Marsh. I was watching the Remember Tomorrow video. I saw that you were using a Mesa/Boogie Amp. Were you using the Dual or Triple Rectifire Head and cab were you using? Were you using any chorus effects for the clean tone for that song? What do you think of the new Mesa Boogie Mar V Amp? Do you think using clean tones for Iron Maiden songs is important or not really?
What amps and effects does Courtney use to get her Iron Maiden tone? What chorus and Reverb effects does she use or doesn't she use chorus effects?
i have a triple rec and use vintage 30s in my cabinets. i don't usually use any chorus for clean tone tho i might of had a little delay running of a line6 stomp and a touch of reverb from a holy grail \m/
i haven't tried the new v but don't really care for the scooped tones of a mark series.
most of the time i just roll back for clean sound except for hallowed \m/
lately i've been using the dunlop evh mxr phaser alot - it's pretty cool
Thanks for your help on the amp. Now I know what Mesa/Boogie amp to save up for. Guitar Center has one on sale for almost $2000. How much does a 4X12 Rectifier Cab cost? For the head on the rear pannel to set everything to vintage is that something I can do myself or do I have to go to a guitar store that has a tech to do that?
Do any of you girls use ENGL Amps? If so do you use the Fireball or the powerball? I was on the Iron Maidens myspace page. I was looking at the endorsements and I saw ENGl amps in your list of endorsements. Are ENGL Amps as good as people say they are?
heather used engl, the fireball i think, live. it indeed is a kickass amp and worthy of accolades. the clean sound is sparkly and the gain is sick. the back of the amp resembles my pc and can be daunting but once you got yer fx loop dialed in it's a workhorse.
Use your ears and buy what sounds good to you. I have owned Marshall, Mesa, Randall etc in the day, but recently I picked up a Roland Cube 80 amp. The amp is an awesome deal. Tiny little amp but sounds killer. I can just see the eye rolling when I bring it to an audition next week. They will shut up when they hear the thing. Always can use an extension cab if needed too.
boss makes good stuff - the yellow super over drive is a nice pre amp push huh - i used it for years with my carvin head. i got the idea from zakk - it produces nice harmonic overtones with your distortion.
What all does the BBE Sonic Maximizer supposed to do? Are the supposed to give your amp more gain and boost?
Does Coutney only use the Jackson Adrian Smith guitar or does she use other Jackson guitars as well?
What all does the BBE Sonic Maximizer supposed to do? Are the supposed to give your amp more gain and boost?

Some electronic voodoo but what it does is add clarity where there is mud. Where the SM shines is giving more clarity to a humbucker guitar. It will not make it sound like a single coil but can reduce the murk.

It is fabulous on the mains if used judiciously. Like anything too much sounds terrible. A SM cranked will have a processed sound and ear piercing highs.

The better your gear the less you use it.

I use the plug in on the computer to massage the audio on any videos I shoot and it has worked some wonders.

Well Thank MiniMurray, If you use Super Over Dirve pedal Boss, EQ Boss they give you more harmonic sound some Iron Maiden song like
Phantom of the Opera
Seven son of the Seven son
Heaven can Wait
Rime of the Ancient Marines
and some other Iron Maiden song ( music )

Some Boss Pledal like SD-1, HM-1 with EQ boss, CH-1 and Delay or digital delay give more sound

Note to all guitars player study of combine you can make using BOSS Pedal
they give more meets the eye :headbang:

and something maybe you know if you use Boss Pedal and you play
Iron Maiden music you can play Yngwie music too :)
Hey Sarah what all effects do you and Courtney use on stage for Distortion and Clean tones?
Hey Sarah what do you use the Digitech Death Metal Distortion, Digitech Delay and the MXR KFK 10 EQ for? I have a Boss DS-1 Distortion pedal for my Iron Maiden tone and I was wondering what I could use to beef the tone up.