amp booth

Rick Powell

Mar 19, 2006
Hey guys,

Wondered if you could help me.

I want to set up an amp booth about 7 metres from our control room so I can put the amp head in the control room and the cab in the booth. I'm sure lots of you do this.

Is there anything I should be aware of ? do I need a signal booster ?

+1 for that. Make sure it's quality or buy quality parts yourself and solder your own cables, you want that signal to flow evenly across the entire length of the cable. The way we have the one at the studio I work/run is we have all of the heads in a custom made rack unit. 5150, PowerBall, JCM800 2203, JCM2000 TSL, Dual Recto, JTM45, and now a Stiletto (Boogie), and we have them all hooked up to this custom made patch bay, including their unputs. Then we run that patch bay to another one into a dedicated guitar room which has all of our cabs, 2 Marshall 4x12's (one V30 and one G12T75), one Mesa oversized 4x12 with V30's, and a couple of neat 2x12's like a Marshall JCM1936 with V30's and a Mesa Road King 2x12 with V30's. We have all the cabs on that patch bay in there, and then we just leave the mics where they sound good and don't have to mess with them.

This is a really great set-up especially for re-amping because you really don't have to leave the room, lol. I just set-up my sends on the DAW and then patch the amp to whatever cab I want, arm whatever channel I want for which mic I want, eq the head to how I want, hit record and let it re-amp.

Nebulous said:
How do you get over the impedance over such distances so that there's none, or very little signal de-generation?

If you are getting hugely noticable signal degredation over 7m (a short distance compared to the 100-200m cables I used to use wiring up the FOH at Imperial) with an amp level signal then the cable is really shitty.
Hey Guys

This all interesting stuff - Thanks :)

I need to put the cables through a floor so I'm going to do some A/B tests before I do the final thing
the reason is the impedance is low so the capacitive effects induced by the cable length have little affect. the high end loss as with a high impedance circuit do not come into play. a cable length of hundreds and hundreds of feet(meters) would affect the signal..

good quality speaker cable with like ends will work just fine for the lengths of concern.
Razorjack said:
The speaker cables were built into the venue and pumped the output to 6 rooms over 3 floors, around the whole of the student union.
Ahhh......multi rooms.....permanent install......makes more sense. i just couldn't figure out why your poweramps were 2 blocks away from your speakers.:hypno:
Yeah, when I built my rooms, I had an existing building with a concrete floor. I raised the floor a couple feet, and used a 4" pvc pipe, ran under the floor, and between the walls. Ran all my wires through the rooms, to the control room. I installed wall plates, with xlr, and 1/4" jacks. Works real good. I used double wall construction on the rooms. Yeah, I've got my cab room right next to the control room. They're just cranked in there! And I play in the control room! 006 seems to have a pretty baddass setup too.
Sorry to hi-jack your thread here but yeah, I wanna do the same thing, but in a wooden structure in my back yard. I'm gonna soundproof it, so i guess i could just run the mic and speaker cable through the wall before i insulate and soundproof it, correct?
Thats what I did. I bought a fucking 600 foot spool of wire. Cut them all to size and ran them through pvc pipe. I ran the pipe like one would run standard plumbing. Put a rope throug it. I then tied the rope to this bundle of wires, then pulled 'em through. There is a real cool company out in Cali, Orange County Speaker. They have the wire, xlr jacks, 1/4'' jacks, wall plates. And they're prices are real fuckin cheap! I think that spool of cable was $80!