Amp head comparison - 3ch Dual Recto and TSL100 - both through marshall 1960a cab

Dylan S

Feb 27, 2009
Hey guys,

I have another thread that is circulating right now to do with a quick recording of a Behemoth cover, with my Dual Recto head through my Marshall cabinet, but in that thread I suggested I might do the recording again (after tone tweakage) and then leave the cabinet miced up, and swap the Recto head for my Marshall head for a bit of fun, and keeping all the rest the same.

Original thread...

I figured the thread would get more response if I made a new thread, seeing as gear comparison threads seem to be popular around here, but like I said in my other thread, I'm still making a name for myself around here and not many people know my stuff, and my internet can't keep up with downloading and commenting on everything else because so much new stuff gets posted everyday! :D

Anyway here it is...

The only 'mixing' done to the guitar tone is a high and low pass, as well as some light compression from a PSPvintagewarmer2.

I also know the drums suck! :p They're from a guitar pro file exported into EZdrummer.
A bit too scooped perhaps, definately potential for a good, usable tone in there with some EQ in the box though! A bit under-gained aswell too? A bit more saturation would do it wonders I expect.
Thanks guys, I'll give those things a try next time maybe, but I scooped the recto tone a bit more this time because the first one I posted was thought to have too much mid range for many people.

It was the first time I'd played the marshall in a LONG TIME, and the settings I had on it months ago naturally sounded like ass now, so I re-EQ'd it quickly to make it sound smoother. There is so much high end on this thing along with the t75's, I basically had the presence knob at 9:00 and the treble way back at like 11:00 or so. :lol:
I'm surprised you guys think it's undergained. I could try doing it again sometime with more gain, but it's already quad-tracked and I don't know if it'd sound clean enough.
Hmm, honestly, the TSL doesn't sound terrible, but a bit muffled and distant. But OH MY GOD does the Recto destroy it, holy shit - SOOOO much more balls (though still a bit muffled, probably need to get closer to the center of the speaker with the mic, but I've never mic'ed a T75, so I can't be sure) Getting better though dude!
Move the mic way closer to the centre :)

Agree with marcus, recto is pwning the tsl for me with the current mic position.

Marcus finally gets back to read the thread! :lol:

Thanks guys. I thought I was close enough to the centre but of course I could always more the mic more in that direction.

I was actually surprised when I plugged into the TSL, as it was the first time I'd plugged into it for ages, and was EQ'd for my hellraiser which is a lot darker sounding than my ESP. There was high end and fizz EVERYWHERE and it sounded TERRIBLE, so I quickly re-eq'd it for about a minute before I recorded, so I think it turned out ok, but yes I do agree, the Recto smashes it for tones like this. It's the best miced tone I've ever achieved I think, and I'm pleased with how tight it sounds, even though it is quad-tracked.

I'll put bass on it and mix it more when I have time to see if I can get it sounding more large.