Amp trade question.


Sounds like shit!
Oct 22, 2006
Atlanta, GA
Some dude in Michigan wants to drive all the way down here to Tennessee so he can trade me a Krankenstein for my Laney GH100TI Tony Iommi amp and he's like serious as fuck.

Seems like I would have more luck selling the Krank, but someone give me a heads up/ sound clip links on the Krank. Haha, shit is crazy.
holy shit. dude's friend got sick so they didn't drive down here, but HE FUCKING SHIPPED THE KRANK TO ME TODAY. he even included like $45 so I could ship my Laney to him, INFUCKINGSANE. full report when it arrives. I already love this dude.
Got it!




I didn't really know what to expect with this amp, but to me it sounds very much like a Marshall type of thing. I really like the dual master volume on the Dime channel - It's just like the JCM900 SL-X I just sold and a great way to boost them lead lickz! Overall a very solid feeling amp with ok clean and nice tight distortion, it's also probably the lightest amp I have right now, which is cool!
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Dude... all I can say is, I checked your YouTube to see if you had any other vids of this amp, and I THOROUGHLY FUCKING APPROVE of the Tater Tot song.

I almost pissed myself laughing. Put that shit in the "rate my tone" thread bro. :lol:
You trade your Iommi amp to... play Iommi riffs on the Krank? :lol:

Who did the inscription?

Haha, yeah, I can't play anything else 'metally' other than like copping some Black Sabbath or DIO riffs. The guy wanted the Laney so bad, and I never use it so I figured why not? This has got two channels, the switchable master volumes, and is worth the same or more. I might actually keep this and use it in my skanky punk band. Would like to try it with some EL34's in it. Right now it has JJ 6L6GC's.

I think they did the writing at the factory. I was surprised to see all sorts of sharpie notes on the boards and stuff noting when they were tested. There is also a sticker on the side of the chassis that gives a rundown of the person, date, and times the amp was being built. Very cool. The whole amp feels very sturdy.

Clean sounds a little uninspiring; but the dist is nice.

Yeah the clean is kinda sterile, but doesn't surprise me since most of the high gain amps I've tried lack in the clean. The Bugera 333XL has an almost too good clean though, very bassy and full, but makes the overdrive/dist sound thin by comparison!

Dude... all I can say is, I checked your YouTube to see if you had any other vids of this amp, and I THOROUGHLY FUCKING APPROVE of the Tater Tot song.

I almost pissed myself laughing. Put that shit in the "rate my tone" thread bro. :lol:

Haha, that's a fan fav!
Those were actual roommate tater tots I completely ganked too!!!
Man I used to heavily dislike Krank when they first started out because I thought these guys were feeding off trends with no substance.

But these little details, like the inscription, are so cool. Shows that there are passionate people behind that brand. I hope there's not much to the rumours of them being close to insolvency. There European distribution basically vanishes, but on the other hand, they continue to release new models. Like the new 1980, the Marshall knock-off.