Ample MMF Kit and Texas Grind Bass!

Pretty sad that this is going on here. It's one thing for big companies who sell thousands if not millions of copies of their product to be pirated, but little guys like you really have to be protected and respected by the customer.
He claims it's not him but his request email was nearly identical asking for a link. TAKE NO CHANCES! You all know me and know I will always take care of a customer, but it's safer for me to piss off one guy accidently and be safe than it is for me to have my product resold.
He emailed me asking why I posted his info....why would you google your info randomly? More likely he is Igor than ever now. Oh well guys. My product will remain safe so I can continue giving you all samples you love! Please understand to all others, my customers are gold to me and I would not do this to anyone else unless I had evidence.
Recently had an everything bundle purchase from russia as well, however once purchased you are linked automatically so once someone paid then they are now owners. However if I ever caught reselling, better believe I am going as legal as possible.
has anyone seen any similar posts over at gearslutz or sevenstring? or any other forums for that matter?
He emailed me asking why I posted his info....why would you google your info randomly? More likely he is Igor than ever now. Oh well guys. My product will remain safe so I can continue giving you all samples you love! Please understand to all others, my customers are gold to me and I would not do this to anyone else unless I had evidence.

You should message him an "apology" and say that for the inconvenience you will give him the samples for free. Then give him a link to a picture of yourself giving the middle finger :hahamiddlefinger:
Pretty sad that this is going on here. It's one thing for big companies who sell thousands if not millions of copies of their product to be pirated, but little guys like you really have to be protected and respected by the customer.

It is me real Igor, i just want to say something , nothing else,( I sent message to Jacob Veal, but he didn't replied):
I want to sell this products because i don't use them anymore , i didn't knew there was licence or something like that , like people bought stuff and then reselling it ( i don't see any info about this on the customers sites or it's my fault, i have screenshots with transactions of Ample MMF Kit and Texas Grind Bass if you need it).I am very sorry about this situations, in future i will not do this again. And I saw Jacob Veal didn't sell sample to one guy in Russia,he isn't guilty in this situation. At last don't think bad about Ukraine and Russia, I'm guilty , not other people!
Thank you for understanding.

P.S:I create this account for posting this message ,you can ban it or what ever you want , I just want to say the truth.
Even if you are telling the truth (which i highly doubt) it is common sense that you cant resell something in the digital domain that can be copied and pasted, and then used with out any sort of license. If you bought a song off of amazon and decided you didnt want to listen to it anymore, would you try to resell it? The answer should be no because that's just fucking stupid and also illegal. It is different with stuff like waves plugins because licenses can be transfered.
as I understand, man just did not think through the transfer of license for the resale rights.
^same. Guy didn't need to come on here to explain, and as mentioned above a google search didn't find anything further.
abaga129, my truth is that I am not attentive
I make no apology , just understanding , especially from people whose product I tried to sell.