Amplitube metal tone, opinions?????


Jun 17, 2008
Whats up so in my latest work i decided to give amplitube metal another try and I was wondering what you guys though of what i have so far.

Im using the 5150 model with some impulses.

This is like a 20 sec sample.

The first 10 seconds is the guitar by itself then the drums and bass come in. The mix is still pretty much unprocessed so ignore the drums and bass just wanted to get an idea if the guitar tone is cutting through or if i can get pointers on what to improve on that tone. :rock:
I like it when the guitars are playing by themselves, but when the drums and bass come in they sound kind of soft. Maybe once you tweak everything, it'll sound better.
Yeah dude to tell u the truth the chain is really simple ill post screenshots for u guys when i get home.
Heres the main guitar chain.
3.GuitarHacks Impulse
Forgot to mention that chain then goes to a guitar bus where I LP and HP and then use a saturator to give it more dirt :D