Amplitube 3 tone test


Sep 14, 2008
Chicago 5 noverse rough 3.mp3

Just a new tune, no verse, so the hi-hat is mapping out how long it will be.

Though I'd do a tone test with Amplitube 3. I'm digging this program a lot...Much more than the earlier versions of Amplitube. This is about 5 minutes of tweaking with the 5150 and Recto models. Only post-processing is a HP at 100hz.

Quad-tracked with my PRS Custom 22, A#, 12-62 SIT strings.

I'm also sick as a dog, so pardon the slightly sloppy playing in some bits.

Actually, the more I work with it, I'm liking their cab simulation more than working with impulses. I'll have to do a test of LeCto or something similar running through the cab module of Amplitube 3.

I also need to stop blowing my money on plugins and start working on getting my live rig together. SCREW YOU NEW PLUGS!!!! haha
Geddy Lee Jazz Bass with SUPER dead strings...ugh

There is a track with BassRider and Ampeg SVX, a DI track and track with just BassRider on it. Unfortunately, I was unable to buy the full version of BassRider before Mokafix closed their shop, so I had to print the tracks in pieces to avoid the audio drop-out. These were sent to a bus with some EQ and light compression.

I honestly didn't spend that much time on the bass as I'm just demoing out the song as I go.
I just looked at the session and didn't realize that I'd put a LPF around 15khz on the guitars. Whoops.