Hi all. After slaving away on this guitar tone for the better part of this weekend, I think I've finally gotten something that I'm satisfied with. At first I was having trouble getting the guitars to sound really big.I loaded up a song from Twilight Of The Thunder God in Logic and did a Freq. analysis on a guitar part to see how Jens Bogren EQ's his guitars. To my horror I found that the guitars were really loud in the 100-200kHz range, which went against all my pre-conceptions about boosting too many bass parts in a song. Then I tried boosting this range and found it really beefed up the guitars without interfering with the bass too much. I tried not too add too much as I realize that some of it probably comes from the mastering stage (and I mastered this little doodle too). I found that mixing a slight bit of the dry sound from the amp helps the clarity of the guitar.
I used Amplitube 3's Tube Lead which is modeled after a Rectifier, a tube screamer in front and a GuitarHack and Mesa impulse. The drums are Steven Slate. The bass is runnin through some Waves plugins and still needs a lot of work. Tried not to make it too prominent cause my bass sounds pretty bad. The master bus has got a comp, eq, and exciter on it.
Might not be the best tone ever, but it's one of the nicest I've gotten out of Amplitube so far. Tell me what ya think! Any suggestions much appreciated. Cheers
All instruments -
Guitars only -
I used Amplitube 3's Tube Lead which is modeled after a Rectifier, a tube screamer in front and a GuitarHack and Mesa impulse. The drums are Steven Slate. The bass is runnin through some Waves plugins and still needs a lot of work. Tried not to make it too prominent cause my bass sounds pretty bad. The master bus has got a comp, eq, and exciter on it.
Might not be the best tone ever, but it's one of the nicest I've gotten out of Amplitube so far. Tell me what ya think! Any suggestions much appreciated. Cheers

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Guitars only -