Guitar tone: Amplitube + Lecto sims

Freak Of Metal

Student Of Sound
Jun 15, 2009
Hey! I tried bypassing everything in Amplitube apart from the Overscream pedal, which I then ran into LePou's Lecto plugin and then into an impulse. Panned both rhythm channels hard left and right and sent both to a reverb bus. Theres some mild EQ on them and Waves C4 on the low mids too. Got a pretty tasty result. Just thought I'd share.

Its just a random riff. There isn't any bass on there which is why it may sound a bit flat. Thoughts?

Not bad at all. What did you use for drums?

Cheers. Steven Slate Drums. The snare needs a bigger reverb on it; I just haven't been bothered to mix them properly. But yeah I was looking to put a tube screamer in front of LePou's sim and remembered that Amplitube had one.