Amy Lee is a freaking genius !!


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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You will have to excuse me for being out of "the loop" as far as radio music is concerned, but two nights ago I was listening to rock radio (at work btw, not by my choice) and this pretty awesome song came on. I knew right away Amy Lee (Evanescence) was singing on that song. It went "Cause I'm Broken" or something like that.
I remembered to look it up the net today and found the song. Well I downloaded the WRONG ONE. This evidently was the original release and it didn't feature Amy Lee, any orchestration and the male singer sounded like shit !! I didn't know what was up so I did some quick research and found out that this Seether lead singer is Amy Lee's boyfriend. The version with her on it, not only has her awesome vocals, but she wrote the orchestration and of course vocal harmonies. She has obviously taught her man how to sing a little too, because he sounds almost like a different person.
With very few exceptions, I simply don't like radio rock, but it seems like anything Amy Lee touches turns to gold. If she were to decide to really go into a little more expressive music like progressive metal or something, she could be absolutely incredible with not just her vocals, but her harmony arrangements coupled with her classical training that shows up in her orchestration of strings etc.
I realize some here probably scoff at Evanescence because of their "nu-metal" style, but Lee is SOOO brilliant, it wouldn't surprise me if she goes ahead and makes a small fortune then just changes directions into stuff "she likes." If that happens, it might not be something in the metal genre, but lookout world !!
Having said all of that, Lee seems to be as much of an extremely gifted engineer as opposed to artist. What I mean by that is she seems to be able to rearrange and add to "songs" as opposed to being a songwriter herself. Still.... if she makes the right hook-up, I haven't heard a woman with a more powerful voice than her since Streisand was when she was in her 30's and at least Lee doesn't sing "adult contemporary" like Barb did.
I gotta say...I like Evanescence! Amy Lee is great and a hottie as well! But anyways, the song I love is "My Immortal" which I'm sure everyone has heard and it makes a lot of you sick. I think even "FRIENDS" used part of it for their season finale ads..but it just touches me somehow. A lot of that debut cd is great stuff. Some of it is crap, but that's why there's a skip button. I would say pick it used if you get a chance. 3 or 4 songs will make your day!
I like Evanescence. probably the only Nu Metal band i like but for some reason i never considered them Nu Metal.. as for Amy Lee.. i don't know if she is a genius but she has a incredible voice and is very cute to boot hehehe .. on the first Evanescence album i think the old guitarist.. i forget his name.. Brian Moody? anyways he wrote alot of the music and Amy contributed... I do admit i get sick of hearing Evanescence because i heard it too much when i first bought their debut album.. haven't listened to it in months but might one of these days...
She can sing her ass off, and her sense of melody and harmony is very appealing to me. I hate her hoidy-toidy, prudish attitude - but that has nothing to do with her talent.

She is truly a gifted singer and her classical training is quite evident in the music she puts out.

I have been saying for a LONG time that singers that talented, ESPECIALLY females - should get hooked up with some more technical/progressive/aggressive metal bands whos members have some classical training as well. I think the contrast would be really sick...a beautiful voice like that over some sick technical/heavy rhythms would really kick some ass and showcase the voice even better.


PS - You have good taste Bryant...
USMC0341 said:
She can sing her ass off, and her sense of melody and harmony is very appealing to me. I hate her hoidy-toidy, prudish attitude - but that has nothing to do with her talent.

She is truly a gifted singer and her classical training is quite evident in the music she puts out.

I have been saying for a LONG time that singers that talented, ESPECIALLY females - should get hooked up with some more technical/progressive/aggressive metal bands whos members have some classical training as well. I think the contrast would be really sick...a beautiful voice like that over some sick technical/heavy rhythms would really kick some ass and showcase the voice even better.


PS - You have good taste Bryant...

Then you need to listen to Nightwish among other female fronted bands that are like you just described lol if you want to listen to Nightwish listen to their album Wishmaster ...
Donnie Darko said:
She is a talented vocalist and I heard some of the Evanescence album and some of it sounds pretty sweet. I heard some nice goth style sounds and some very good guitar melodies. Lacuna Coil destroy Evanescence though

yes they do ... i loved the Comalies album and especially like it when she sings in Italian.. they are the main reason i took up italian recently lol .. she cute too though lately she has gained weight... but when she is thin.. damnnnn :OMG:
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
Then you need to listen to Nightwish among other female fronted bands that are like you just described lol if you want to listen to Nightwish listen to their album Wishmaster ...

I will definitely check them out MH - I appreciate the heads up. ALWAYS looking for some new stuff to listen to...

USMC0341 said:
I will definitely check them out MH - I appreciate the heads up. ALWAYS looking for some new stuff to listen to...


Nightwish is quite good, but be prepared for some very operetic moments by Tarja the vocalist. She uses quite a bit of that style in their music.

Donnie Darko said:
She is a talented vocalist and I heard some of the Evanescence album and some of it sounds pretty sweet. I heard some nice goth style sounds and some very good guitar melodies. Lacuna Coil destroy Evanescence though

The band backing Christina destroys the band backing Amy. I am a fan of Lacuna Coil as well, but I don't think Christina can hang with Amy vocally. Someone else mentioned Lee should get into a prog style band. I couldn't agree more. It wouldn't surprise me if she at least tried something like that as a side project. Her orchestrations/arrangements seem to be as important to her as her lead vocals and sticking to the modern/popular style music certainly adds limitations to what she can do in those departments. I would certainly buy it the day it comes out if she attempts something a little more experimental.

I'd like to see her either in a prog band or something along the rhythmic lines of Lamb of God and Shadows Fall...those types of rhythms coupled with her voice would be pretty amazing to hear....not to mention some nice melodic guitar solos and harmonies for good measure.
USMC0341 said:
I will definitely check them out MH - I appreciate the heads up. ALWAYS looking for some new stuff to listen to...

If you like it technical, I´d recommend Nightwish´s second album "Oceanborn" - it´s definitely the one with the highest technical level of their albums (and also - by far - my favourite one, but that is, as always, a matter of personal taste).

However, as far as technical/"progressive" metal with extraordinary female vocals is concerned, I think you should give "Terrestrials" by Atrox a try - though it might turn out that you´ll find the vocals simply too weird/unusual/crazy/experimental. Unfortunately, it seems the official Atrox-website and thus also the mp3´s you could download from it is gone and I don´t know if this is just temporarily or permanently. However, I´d recommend their songs "Ruin", "Nine Wishes", "Mental Nomads", "Changeling" and "The Beldam Of The Bedlam" - if you should manage to find them anywhere. Maybe slightly less technical and definitely more rhythm-oriented and heavier than "Terrestrials" is Atrox´ album "Orgasm". (According to several album reviews the music on this album has some Meshuggah-influences, but since I´m not familiar with them I can´t say whether this is true or not.) The vocals on this album are IMO more moderate and thus maybe easier accessible than those on "Terrestrials" (though maybe still too weird for many). My favourite songs on "Orgasm" are "Methods Of Survival", "Flesh City" and "Secondhand Traumas".

If you should like Nightwish´s music, you might also like Nemesea´s album "Mana" (you can download one song from their record label´s website, though their vocalist reminds me much more of Within Temptation´s Sharon den Adel than of Tarja Turunen. (However, most songs on "Mana" are much heavier than the recent Within Temptation stuff.)
Burkhard said:
However, as far as technical/"progressive" metal with extraordinary female vocals is concerned, I think you should give "Terrestrials" by Atrox a try - though it might turn out that you´ll find the vocals simply too weird/unusual/crazy/experimental. Unfortunately, it seems the official Atrox-website and thus also the mp3´s you could download from it is gone and I don´t know if this is just temporarily or permanently. However, I´d recommend their songs "Ruin", "Nine Wishes", "Mental Nomads", "Changeling" and "The Beldam Of The Bedlam" - if you should manage to find them anywhere. Maybe slightly less technical and definitely more rhythm-oriented and heavier than "Terrestrials" is Atrox´ album "Orgasm". (According to several album reviews the music on this album has some Meshuggah-influences, but since I´m not familiar with them I can´t say whether this is true or not.) The vocals on this album are IMO more moderate and thus maybe easier accessible than those on "Terrestrials" (though maybe still too weird for many). My favourite songs on "Orgasm" are "Methods Of Survival", "Flesh City" and "Secondhand Traumas".



I bought Terrestrials recently, by the way.

Anyway, on the subject at hand, I don't give points for what they "maybe coulda" done, but next time I hear an Evanescence song I'll listen more to the arranging and see if there's anything of merit there.
Seether is a South African Band, the lead singer, Amy's boyfriend's name is Shaun Welgemoed, he had it changed to Shaun Morgan, the band's name was Saron Gas(one CD), they had to change it after 9/11 to get a record deal (that after all the band members had the initials SG tatood, hehehe). I used to think Amy sings great till I saw their DVD, Seether is on there as well, she doesn't sing all that well live, I don't reccomend it.