Amy Winehouse

if you watch the throw the jew down the well clip on youtube you can see the rednecks getting into it and singing along. That says a lot about America to people outside the US about how America is. It not only makes the US a bad image, but it also uncovers some of the hipocrisy in America in general about race, religion, and sexual orientation.

you have been warned
when borat goes to the rodeo the first few times he says shit about nuking irak and killing all arabs you can see how the crowd reacts and encourages him and some stand up and applaud! that is fucked up, and

attitudes like that IMHO make the arabs (and not only) hate America, and Christianity in general (I agree with christian hatred to some extent). Being the devil's advocate the attitude like the one movie reveals (and is partially true) justify 9/11 for the poor arab that can barely feed his family, let alone think for the real reason for 9/11, which IMHO is american foreign policy in the last half of the century
Borat was supposed to be satirical, given the world we live, in he chose the best medium to do it in. Many of the jokes were juvenile, but in many ways that only served to highlight the point.

Cohen is an intelligent fellow, I find it hard to watch that movie without being conscious of how much social commentary it contains. Relevance through absurdity, and the extra impact the juxtaposing of the two can bring about, has been a powerful trick of satire for over 2000 years.

Also, Amy Winehouse is fucking hackett. No matter what angle, light, time, month or year you take a picture of that bitch she looks like a crack whore. Not only does she sound like she's smoked pure tar for 25 years, she's managed to incorporate it into her appearance too. In every way she is repulsive.
^ haha, I just watched her video on TV... it just came on..
so like.... I actually don't like her voice that much,
I've heard some songs in my dad's car last year, (my parents like her music)
she looks sexy in her videos: but that's only due to the HUGE boob job and good camera angles...
Another example of how his evident stupidity allows people to get really honest and unguarded about how they feel. It's a great tactic.
Yeah, but I agree with LotS that it might have effects that Cohen didn't forsee - the most important one being the further increase of muslims' hatred against the Western world. Especially fundamentalists, since we all know how dogmatic and single-minded they are, they'll naturally assume the entire Western world is like this.