An album i forgot ruled so much


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
Nevermore- The Politics of Ecstacy.

Last time I remember listening to it was Fall of 2000 taking the T into Newton for a job interview. I whipped it out over the weekend and was blown away at just how good it is.

I still prefer Dreaming Neon Black as it is a much more flawless album but Politics is pretty solid for the first 8 songs with the last two songs having their amazing moments but still being a bit weird for my ears.

just thought I'd share
totally agreed.

this is some of the best riffing EVA!.

DNB is perfection in my opinion as well, but Politics is pretty damn close.

the only part I don't agree about is the end of the album.

"The Learning" is the best song on the album IMO.
i am a big fan of jeff loomis's playing. i think the reaosn i like DNB much more is because it seemed that tim calvert actually gave a damn about the band and so it was a much more cohesive sound to my ears.

but jeff loomis writes some of the coolest riffs in metal. his use of dissonance is top notch! example: the fast riff in "Politics of Ecstacy" when he doubles the riff in some dissonant harmony for like two times through the riff. genius!
the learning kicks ass. One of my favorite Nevermore tunes. DNB was damn awesome when they played it live as well. Best show I ever saw. Over 2 hrs of Nevermore. The complete DNB cover to cover and about half of POE (the learning was played).