An amusing story

PIV Bassman

Apr 17, 2001
Here and There in Melbourne
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When I was over in Vancouver I was getting ready to go out to a local metal/alternative nightclub and I had just bought a Brave New World t shirt, so I thought cool I'll wear it out.
My younger brother took one look at me and the conversation went like this:

"You're not wearing that are you?" he asked.

"Yeah, why?" I replied.

He shook his head and simply said, "Bye girls."

I've told a few people this story and they found it amusing so I thought I would share it with you lot.
Pffft! Lightweights! Even animals run screaming when I saunter in their direction!

Oh hang on, ive got to climb the belltower and ring the bells, be back in a sec.
"A brain (snort!) I need a brain for my mafther!"

Nice story PIV. Apart from a few select examples (such as our own Moony, Kem, Dreamwatch and Morticia), most of the women I meet are mind-meltingly superficial, so a reaction along the lines of "Eeeewww, you like metal!" is all too common.

Of course it could just be that I'm ever so slightly hideous, coupled with the fact that I don't have a job, I can't drive and I still live at home :lol:

I was at a nightclub in Melbourne called Deviate on Saturday night and a new DJ has started working there who used to work at the Cathouse. He is right into old school metal and is also a Maiden freak so I requested The Wicker Man, which he duly played two songs later.
Reaction from the up until then busy dancefloor = bye girls!
The only people on the dancefloor were headbanging metal guys, not a female in sight!!
I swear if I meet a half decent woman who is into Maiden she will be my future wife.... now just have to find one! :lol:
Originally posted by PIV Bassman
I was at a nightclub in Melbourne called Deviate on Saturday night and a new DJ has started working there who used to work at the Cathouse. He is right into old school metal and is also a Maiden freak so I requested The Wicker Man, which he duly played two songs later.
Reaction from the up until then busy dancefloor = bye girls!
The only people on the dancefloor were headbanging metal guys, not a female in sight!!
I swear if I meet a half decent woman who is into Maiden she will be my future wife.... now just have to find one! :lol:

PIV, you remember Friday nights at The Walk on Swanston St? "Hell" nights? I met my partner there. Getting on to 8 years now. It's cool being able to say I met my partner in Hell. :D Ok, maybe not cool, but you know what I mean.

She hates metal now :cry:
Ah well at least she was into metal for a while! I do remember Hell, now the Hi Fi Bar though I didn't go there that often. Funnily enough though I first asked my last girlfriend for her phone number there and that's where that all started....
It's cool you met your partner in Hell... so long as 8 years on you're not stuck there :lol:
This might not be an issue for some of you gents, but I'm always astounded at the number of gorgeous female KISS fans that I've seen while scanning the crowd at gigs, conventions and such things. Do I ever get to meet any of them? No sir, I do not! :mad:

My girl isn't into metal at all, but she doesn't mind my obsession.... Although I have started the conversion process...shes coming with me to the Creed gig, and have her liking some of the Rob Zombie remixes.'s a start. :)

oh, and she bought me the Dream Theater M2 DVD for my birthday too, so she's starting to catch on. :D
I recently met a girl... who is not only REALLY stunning, a really nice quiet girl, single, and about 1 year younger than me... but is also an 80s metal chick to the max! Her favourite bands being Kiss, Maiden, Alice Cooper, WASP, Twisted Sister, Manowar, etc...

I've obviously been trying to work my charm on her since I met her coz she's perfect... but I'm not getting too far :(

Damn women!
Originally posted by The Trooper
I recently met a girl... who is not only REALLY stunning, a really nice quiet girl, single, and about 1 year younger than me... but is also an 80s metal chick to the max! Her favourite bands being Kiss, Maiden, Alice Cooper, WASP, Twisted Sister, Manowar, etc...

I've obviously been trying to work my charm on her since I met her coz she's perfect... but I'm not getting too far :(

Damn women!

Just tie her up in the basement and eventually she will come to love you. ;) :lol:
Originally posted by phlogiston
Like he needs encouragement. Anyway, I think that's what he means by "work his charms".

Im sure he is working something :lol:

Well ill let you guys know how I get on with the 2 im keeping in my basement.
(Ones a back up incase the other one decides she really actually doesnt like me, I just like to cover all my bases).
Wait, have I said too much again? Oh well one of them is clanging on the bars with her dish again, I think she is hungry, be back soon :D