An Insult To Metal

hmm maybe a bit off topic, but were all barbarians?

a friend of mine once commented that he noticed that in the average metal band the educational level is higher than, for example, a fusion band. id like to think hes right :D does anyone know if this has ever been surveyed or whatever?
Apprentice's Master said:
He sounds like a conservative Nazi. Extreme conservatisim = extreme closemindedness.

i don't agree with you, there's nothing wrong in conservatism, some people have differents ideas about life, and make a judgement without know their background is not so "open minded".

but i agree that this particular person is a big prick, but there's nothing to worry about, this world is full of them. (unfortunately)

we've had simelar kind of humour in norway for years, so I pretty much immidiatly figured it out. so all you lesser minded, filthridden barbaric metalheads who doesn't get it, just trust us with divinly blessed intelligence when we say IT'S JUST A JOKE!
pretty brutal joke...why would someone waste their time to do that. It's like me writing about how 911 was "good for society" in a way. Whether it's a joke or not, the person obviously didn't have respect for anyone's feelings about the incident, because he knows EVVVERRRYYOONNNEE will get mad. Oh well...I guess it's amusing to read hatemail, look at Maddox.
Dseven said:
i don't agree with you, there's nothing wrong in conservatism, some people have differents ideas about life, and make a judgement without know their background is not so "open minded".

Apprentice's Master talked about EXTREME conservatism. In my opinion, extreme anything is wrong (exept extreme metal maybe :grin: ).
I saw this before on the Billy Milano board, read, sent hate mail, had friends send hate mail, then found out that it was a joke. :rolleyes:
You see, what's so funny about this is that this guy exaggerated stereotypes on both metalheads and extreme conservative elitists who like classical music. Basically, it's the classic situation of "I'M TEH SUPEREEOR ROFLMAO STFU n00b!!!111" hypocrit bullshit which he intended to make himself look bad as well. C'MON PEOPLE WHAT'S NOT FUNNY???