An odd question concerning.. stubble.

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Right, this has always confused me.

You know those people (esp actors.. Twilight dude comes to mind) who always walk around with a fair bit of stubble? How do they keep it like that without it growing into a full beard or being completely clean shaven? Do they grow hair REALLY FUCKING FAST? Or happen to only be photographed a few days after shaving? Or are there special shavers that shave like 1/2 a cm from your face?

As I said, an odd question. :)
lol odd question indeed...

...but something I've thought about too.
I use an electric hair trimmer/shaver, because shaving clean with a razor always gives me ingrown hairs so I've sorta maintained a stubble look for the past couple years.

Edit: pretty much ^ that link.
Well that explains that :)

Are you shaving against or with the grain? Shaving against tends you give ingrown hairs apparently, that may be why.

I actually get that question a lot.
Nah It's not that, My facial hair just grows out really sharp for some reason...

That's why I changed shaving tools.
The wife got me the Braun Syncro Pro 7765 last year for Christmas and this thing can do up close baby-smooth, or that stubble look as well. Like many others, I cant use straight razors to shave my face and neck because I get issues with ingrown hairs and etc. Even a regular pair of shaving clippers that comes with guards can be used on beards... I did it for YEARS. Always had stubble, though, because they dont quite take it down close enough.
I don't use a razor at all. Just a trimmer. Like this:


So I always have stubble, the length of which being the thickness of the trimmer blades. It's not that noticable. It probably looks like I shaved the day before.
I don't use a razor at all. Just a trimmer. Like this:


So I always have stubble, the length of which being the thickness of the trimmer blades. It's not that noticable. It probably looks like I shaved the day before.

I have this exact getup.

Not shaving FTW.

Then again, I can't grow a beard really hahah. Just butchered sideburns that flows down into a shitty chin piece and then a hack moustache that doesn't connect....