The Beard Myth!

I've heard from a few different sources that shaving against the grain can especially cause ingrown hairs if you have curly hair.....(I seem to remember you do amon666) Thats one reason I've never tried it (having luxurious ringlets that make chicks jealous has its downside apparently). Right now I'm able to grow an almost respectable mustache and sideburns but without much in between so if theres a secret to fast beard growth I'm ready for it!

I guess if I'm patient it should eventually grow in, most of my male relatives can grow full beards. (as well as a few female ones which is scary)
shaving will make your facial hairs thicker,I guess. I remember when I was 12 or 13...I had that horrible senseless moustache,a mix between black and blonde hairs :lol:
I shaved it,and the hairs started to grow black.
Hair is thinner at one end than it is the other. That's why it might seem like you have more hair once you start shaving for the first time because as the hairs grow out you start to see the thicker end of them coming through. But shaving does not create any new hairs.
Sheesh man,

I have massive Swedish genes and i am one hairy 16 year old!!!

i almost have to shave twice a day, i grow it out to see rated R movies and buy rated M games (america can be persnickitey -.- )

but if you did that it would be slow and gradual but in 9 months.... who knows?

It's only your face to be hairy?
'cause johan has an awesome full beard but his body looks hairless.

I'm wondering if it's typical of swedish guys
I am one hairy bastard, and it sucks, trust me. You don't want to be hairy. I'd be afraid to see how much total time I've spent already shaving.
The shaving thing is definitely a wive's tale. Also, I shave all the time and don't have a full beard. Like your face goes, "Oh, I've been shaved! I better grow a beard to combat it!"

You're either hairy or you are not.