An old fan writes...


Jul 1, 2004
Hello everyone,

I am new on here. This’ll be a long post, but don’t rip into me because I mean well! :)

I kinda lost track of what Anthrax have been up to since Sound Of White Noise. At that time metal got really directionless and boring, so my taste in music changed and I got into lots of different stuff. Anyway, I recently got a pc in my house and started to look on the net for the old bands I liked and found some fairly regressive thinking and unattractive stuff (have you SEEN the racist, right-wing shite on the Billy Milano board?!...I know – he’s outspoken, you can’t keep him down. Whatever. He’s a dick.) But having said that, I was glad to see that Anthrax are still around. I have a soft spot for them. I’ll tell you why…

The first real gig I went to was Anthrax and Metallica at Donnington in 1987 (unfortunately, this means that the first real band I ever saw was Cinderella who were opening that day. Eugh! Don’t worry though, my friends and I made up for it by leaving before Bon Jovi came on!), we saw the band on the Among The Living tour that November at Edinburgh Playhouse with Testament supporting; a show that Anthrax went on to mention in interviews as one of the best on the tour. I loved Anthrax with a passion back then. They’d mention books, we’d read them. They’d have a support act, we’d get into them. I also loved that fact that they seemed to genuinely enjoy playing, not just in their regular band either; there was the SOD record (with an ex Anthrax member in the band = no animosity. That was very cool too.)

It’s a bit odd coming on here and reading people bitching about whether Scott is as good as he used to be, or whether Charlie is a control freak, blah, blah…it doesn’t really matter. If you like the noise the band makes, then all is well with the world! You might not like the people in the band, but what are the chances of you ever finding out for sure?! You should never meet your heroes, cos it’s odd at best and heartbreaking at worst. The songs are all that matters. Who wrote them?..who cares? War Inside My Head is still a great song if Anthrax play it. The riffs sound good regardless of who wrote them. Same thing.

Don’t get me wrong; I’m pleased that people are passionate about the band, but so are the band – that’s why they complain when they don’t feel as though they get much exposure. It’s only natural.

I used to get annoyed when bands (Anthrax were very bad for this…) used to say “Our old record is shit compared to the new one”. As a fan you’re left holding the old record feeling like a prick for buying it! But again, it’s only natural for bands to get excited about their new stuff. I imagine I’d be pretty numb to a bunch of songs I’d played live every night for a year!

I am rambling. They’re still a good band. That’s all that matters. The internet makes it all the more interesting…having direct access to a band! You can’t imagine what it was like even FINDING an Anthrax record in the 80s!

God I feel old! :) Passion with perspective is hard to find, but I have some now and I’m glad. I hope I don’t sound patronising.

Take it easy,
welcome to the board. always glad to see an old timer show up. i've listened to anthrax since 1989 myself. metallica and anthrax were my favorite bands when i was in my early teens. then in 1992 i got very heavily into pearl jam. there was something about their music and attitude that connected with me. i was a fanatical pearl jam fan from about 1993-1999. i never stopped listening to anthrax. i still bought their records when they came out and saw them live when i could. then in late '99 shortly after i got married i got a computer and started looking up stuff about anthrax and listening to them very heavily. they have been tops onmy list since then and will stay there i'm sure.

anyway, please roam around the board freely and feel free to jump in with an opinion or thought on any topic.

Welcome to the board. It may seem like there is a lot of bitching, but it is really only a small number of people doing that, they just tend to be vocal. Also, the board is kind of slow right now as it has been a couple months since the most recent Anthrax release. They are touring Europe so we have gotten some pretty good reviews of shows from our European friends, and before that from the psychos in Australia. Wait 'til they hit the US again (in the fall, hopefully) or later this year when their next release comes out. Things should pick up pretty well then.

Have fun here, and remember- Darby's Dad is like 73 or something, so don't worry about feeling old. :D


I was the same with Pearl Jam actually! I liked them loads then kid of drifted away from them. But love them or hate them, they keep on doing it. It's funny how with some bands you tune in and out of their career...

I realised in my first post I said that metal got "directionless and boring" around 1992. Maybe there were bands doing good stuff that I wasn't aware of, but from where I was sitting, it looked a bit shit. I'm sure there must have been more than one band doing interesting stuff. Any advance on Voivod?

Nice post Ross, and welcome to the board!
Anthrax has been my favorite band for about 13 years now. Their music (along with Suicidal Tendencies and Metallica) helped me get through high school. For real.
Since the late 80's heavy metal has always put me in a better mood.
You said we shouldn't meet our heroes, "cos it’s odd at best and heartbreaking at worst."
But last year I did meet Anthrax. Took a road trip, went to three concerts, and that was one of the best weeks ever! I may not agree with everything they say, but I was NOT disappointed at all when I met them.:cool:

Do you have the new album We've Come For You All? And the live DVD/CD Music of Mass Destruction?
I feel the same. After Sound of White Noise I lost track of music, and started following football, then Motorsports. Ive since fallen away from Football (soccer to our American friends) as its the biggest pile of shite ever, but it took me a while to realise it. I still follow Motorsports with a passion, but a few years ago my cousin became friendly with a guy from work, and we all started hanging around and talking over a few beers. He was heavily into music, and was a huge Metallica fan, and I started looking through all my old tapes and vinyl, and with the discovery of the internet and downloadable music I started to search for the old favourite bands I always listened to. I stumbled across the Anthrax site and was amazed to discover Stomp 442 and Volume 8 and went and bought them. Then last year and We've Come for You All came out. I've seen Anthrax live 3 times in just over a year now, and am almost on the verge of forgetting about Motorsport again, but that will never happen as I now work within the sport. I'm only too glad that a combination of circumstances and helped me re-discover the music I love. Welcome to the board, and happy listening.
SCott308 said:

Welcome to the board. It may seem like there is a lot of bitching, but it is really only a small number of people doing that, they just tend to be vocal. Also, the board is kind of slow right now as it has been a couple months since the most recent Anthrax release. They are touring Europe so we have gotten some pretty good reviews of shows from our European friends, and before that from the psychos in Australia. Wait 'til they hit the US again (in the fall, hopefully) or later this year when their next release comes out. Things should pick up pretty well then.

Have fun here, and remember- Darby's Dad is like 73 or something, so don't worry about feeling old. :D


I'm 69 but whose counting? :lol:
ThraxDude said:
Anthrax has been my favorite band for about 13 years now. Their music (along with Suicidal Tendencies and Metallica) helped me get through high school. For real.

How? Did your exams ask for the lyrics to songs? Did you get ideas for book reports based on Stephen King books Anthrax did songs about? Inquiring minds wanna know.

Ulster Mosher said:
Ive since fallen away from Football (soccer to our American friends) as its the biggest pile of shite ever, but it took me a while to realise it.

Aha! Finally, a European who has come to his senses. Now you just need to start watching American football. Today, Ulster Mosher. Tomorrow, the World! Bwahahahahahaha! :devil:

SCott308 said:
How? Did your exams ask for the lyrics to songs? Did you get ideas for book reports based on Stephen King books Anthrax did songs about? Inquiring minds wanna know.

I was never into school. Hated it.
Metal took me away. Like those old comercials, but instead of that bubble bath...
Metal....take me away.
You know what I'm talking 'bout!
But, I did do a report on Pet Sematary, and Scott Ian's partially responsable for getting me into Stephen King.....
I actually was reading Stephen King before I got into Anthrax. First book I read was It, first Anthrax album was I'm the Man. But for an English class in college, we read Carrie, watched the movie and had to do a paper on it. Same class, I did a paper on Metallica lyrics.

Hated the teacher, but loved the class. Pop Culture. We watched James Bond movies, Bugs Bunny cartoons, and took a field trip to go see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in the theater. And the class was held in the dorm, first class of the day. Quite nice when it was cold and snowy. :headbang:

Cinderella are a good band, that write decent songs.....but why oh why in the name of all that is sane did they pick such a suck ass name as Cinderella???

That is the suckiest suck to ever suck (to quote Brian Posehn).

A heavier name would have changed that band's whole perceived personna and existance. Something like Armored Truck or Saint Killers or something, jesus, even "Basket Full of Puppies" would have been better than what they chose.......
I haven't heard them for a while, but back in 1987 we were thrash kids and Cinderella were the antithesis of that! Thinking back, I;m pretty sure I'd still hate them now. They were faux-cowbow, sub-Bon Jovi pap. With a bad name! :)

I kind of dug Cinderella too.
Anyway welcome aboard!
I'm a long time die hard fan myself. Got into them when either Spreading or Among came out.

I'd have to disagree about meeting your heroes though.
I've been fortunate enough to meet them a few times, and I'm glad I did.
They were all cool to me.

Rock on!
I didn't mean Anthrax specifically when I said meeting yr heroes is a bad idea, I meant generally. I'd read a post where people were talking about the personalities in the band. My view is it's all about the music.

Take it easy,
it is weird meeting your heroes,i went to a pantera instore,vinnie and dime were so into meeting there fans and were heaps cool to me,rex and philip were dicks,go figure...

originally i wanted to meet anthrax so bad a couple months back but the instore was a couple hours before the show and its not like i coulda got alot of shit signed and carried with me around the venue all night,but its kinda cool that there is some mystery to them,hell i could be really dissapointed with them who knows.
also welcome to the board,u also made a good point about anthrax bagging there past albums,u never here slipknot metallica pantera putting there shit down,they might say we have grown or evolved but never say we were dissapointed with opur last abum and shit like that,u may as well say that u wasted 2 years of your life making shit music.
SCott308 said:
Aha! Finally, a European who has come to his senses. Now you just need to start watching American football. Today, Ulster Mosher. Tomorrow, the World! Bwahahahahahaha! :devil:

I actually used to love American Football when British TV showed it. First year I saw it was 1986 I think, and I supported the Chicago Bears, and that year they won Superbowl 20. (again, I might be wrong about the Superbowl number, but near sure it was XX) Then British TV dropped it quicker than a whore's knickers and that was that. BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!