an open challenge to all view of James' message board


Apr 6, 2002
Two Harbors, MN
Visit site
within the next few days I, even though unemployed, will be making a donation to James to help him with medical expenses. I intend to send $20. I know this may seem a small ammount but when you are not working it is a considerable sum. I know James will be able to make some use of this money. This is my challenge to those of you who decide to read this..............MAKE A DONTATION OF AT LEAST THE SAME AMMOUNT!!!!!

I figure if you have taken the time to visit James' site you must have an intrest in his music and career. Help him in both, you will feel much better about yourself, and when that new Disincarnate cd comes out you can think to yourself, "Hey, I helped finance that!"

I hope that those of you who wish to donate to the cause will post here with your pledge ammount!!!!!

You can link through this site to pay using paypal, or those of you who do not have the required credit card to use paypal may send a donation in the form of cash, check or money order to the following address:
James Murphy
3648 Willow Wisp Dr. S.
Lakeland, FL 33810
i had a chance to speak with James personally, I, out of respect to his privacy will not say the exact number to which he is in debt do to medical bills, but i will say this, it is quite high....
as far as the donations go, i would say quite confidently that they will be used for his past due and present medical expenses.