an open collaborative request to anyone with some cymbals and an overhead or two.


New Metal Member
Jul 5, 2008
Ok guys, so I really really want some epic, atmospheric cymbal washes over this ambient piece I made.

They can be harsh cymbals, amazing cymbals, anywhere in between, shit mics, good mics, any mics, it doesn't matter, anything is welcome here. fuck it use a D112 on a china cymbal if you're so inclined :D, it's all added texture. anyone with cymbals and mics and a spare 5 minutes is more than welcome to have a go.

don't think too hard about what you play or how you play it, shut your eyes and just meditate into it or something, if your arm suddenly wants the smash the shit out of a cymbal, do it. i want anyone i collaborate with on this song to put their own spin on things as much as they want
you can record cymbal washes to last the whole 4-5 minutes, 30 seconds, a minute, whatever. the longer ones i may end up chopping down a bit or may not, who knows.

but yeah, if anyone's up for it, here's the track in question: doom.mp3

If anyone has a go, rar the file, and preferably dropbox it, then PM it to me :)
and just let me know on here if you're up for doing it.

cheers :D
How soon do you need 'em? My kit's packed up, but I can set up some crashes and a china, splash, whatever and have some fun with it over the next night or two!