An unusual rate my mix..

unicorn hole

Midicore Madness
Mar 7, 2014
South Carolina
I would love some input on how I should adjust my mix, if at all. The music I make, however, doesn't use the standard metal instruments.. kinda.. I play a very niche genre somewhere between cybergrind and nintendocore I guess. The music is all produced on a computer, and it isn't made to sound anything close to real. It's intended, instead, to bring back fond memories of the Nintendo/Super Nintendo days. I write lyrics of the same theme and slap my vocals over the music. I'm considering releasing my new CD as a physical release, so I'd like some input first. I believe I have it mixed to where everything can be heard, but I'm mainly worried about the vocals being too loud or quiet. I want you to be able to understand every word (with lyrics handy, heh) but also hear every note of music. Also, check out track fourteen, which features a vocalist who uses very low pitched, guttural vocals. I'm not sure how to mix them. They seem quiet, but when I turn them up, they swallow up the other instruments pretty bad. Thanks in advance for anything constructive!

(Also, let's skip the whole "why don't you play real music!" thing. One- I play bass in my actual band, two- that's not the point of this project, and three- you're not gonna say anything I haven't heard before.)
It sounds kind of OK if you don't mind the cheap guitar pro sound, which I do mind very much actually.

If you are trying to bring back 90's console style sounds, you should maybe consider a vst with those typical 8-bit sounds which sound bad in a good way instead of this GP sound that sounds bad in a bad way.
Or even those 'keygen'-type midi sounds. Obviously nobody knows what i'm talking about.:Saint:

i remember someone here doing something similar (although he does use real guitars.)

the album cover and title and color scheme... what can i say...
I am graphic designer by education and it literally made me cry...

but all that tells me you're aiming for a bad taste extravaganza, which you surely are pulling off, not sure why anyone would like it but as long as you have fun making it I'd say go for it.
Like I said, I've found my niche in the Nintendocore/whatever-it's-called subculture. Uhole is not intended to appeal to most people; I have a separate band for that. This project targets a specific demographic, and is held in high regard within it. It's supposed to be off the wall and fun, like you said. But I do want it to sound good for what it is, so I was looking for input on the mix. Thanks.