Rate my mix


Oct 22, 2001
Valencia (Spain)
Hey guys i just got a pre-master for an EP im doing with my band i would like you to comment on the overall sound and mix.. also any input is welcome for the composition and stuff..

heres the link www.myspace.com/drawma
yeah thats what i think also.. too bassy..im guessing the guy in the studio didnt realized cause he only heard the tracks in flat response monitors. It was recorded in Pro tools all separate tracks for each instrument.

any tips on how to redo the mix?
This sounds horrible dude. The guitar parts don't match at all, and that fact that they're hard pans makes it even more obvious, sometimes there are spans of 30 seconds with the guitar only coming out of one side. The toms really boomy, have all kinds of overtones and are clipping in some parts. The guitar tone is thin and hollow, partially because it doesn't have a matching bass part to thicken it up, but it is not a good guitar tone even when the bass is not playing. The bass guitar is too loud in relation to the guitars. I don't even know where to tell you to start with fixing this; it's really a mess and myspace compression I'm sure isn't helping. Post up a higher quality link using dropbox and people will be able to help you better.

Also: monitors with a flat response don't wouldn't be a reason for a boomy mix, monitors that lack bass make for a boomy mix because you don't know how to mix the low end