Anacrusis, anyone?


Jun 17, 2006
Last year I was buzzing around on and had a look at a band called Anacrusis.

They were an 1980s thrash group who didn't quite "make it" due to poor management and album sales, and broke up in 1994. They have all their albums available for download on their website ( if you want to take a look or have a listen), and they sound pretty damn tight and good for a small underground band!

They also have a video clip on for their 1993 song "Sound the Alarm".

Has anyone else here apart from myself heard of these guys? Any thoughts on them/their music?
Anacrusis are very populair among the regulars on this forum. I have been promoting them without stopping to anyone who wants to hear it. I got myself their first album on vinyl when it was released.

I also keep referring to them and hoping they will one day reunite. See here:

But you are very welcome indeed to start another Anacrusis tread. I love that band!! :headbang:

Btw here's a link to the other Anacrusis treads that have been posted through the years:

O and welcome to UMOS! :wave:
Ah, some classical Thrash metal....

Too bad about their breakup, I want to hear more from them now..
Yes I do.:headbang: :headbang:

I am with Hawk and I would kill for a reunion. I wouldn't really mind who they got for a drummer seeing as they never had too permanent of one, just as long as he was competant with Ken's writing.

Anybody know how to contact Ken? I'd like to at least thank him for the amazing music he's provided people, and propose a possible producing deal. I love how the different instruments did not blend at ALL on Manic Impressions. Beautiful.
#1_Droogie said:
Yes I do.:headbang: :headbang:

I am with Hawk and I would kill for a reunion. I wouldn't really mind who they got for a drummer seeing as they never had too permanent of one, just as long as he was competant with Ken's writing.

Anybody know how to contact Ken? I'd like to at least thank him for the amazing music he's provided people, and propose a possible producing deal. I love how the different instruments did not blend at ALL on Manic Impressions. Beautiful.

See if you can reach him via this one:

I got it of the old Anacrusis page:

Doubtful that you'll get an answer, but you never know...
Even if I had the last two albums and donwloaded the first two I still hope someday someone will re-issue those (or all) properly, to have that feel of a complete collection :D. Indeed a band that was overlooked and left underrated in history.

NP: Rick Wakeman - 'Just Another Day'
The only album I have by Anacrusis is SUFFERING HOUR. Picked up a boot copy on cd not long ago. Good thrash. I need to check out their other releases.
in my opinion, Suffering Hour and Reason are nothing compared to Manic Impressions and Screams And Whispers. those are true prog metal gems.
one of my favourite bands, but I doubt there'll be a reunion.
Alex78 said:
Lol, honestly, I don't get it. it's just your standard thrash album. the last two albums are absolutely unique

There is nothing to get. Values, taste and choices differ. Welcome to the human race. I would agree with you up to a certain piont, but thats all IMHO of course. ;)
Wow, cool I wasn't expecting this kind of response!

Yeah I have all their albums burnt. I doubt they would ever have sold any original copies of their albums here in Australia.

Yeah Kenn Nardi was a really original songwriter. I love what he did with "Screams and Whispers", the symphonic synths and stuff. Some of the stuff on "Reason" would sound really good had it not been marred by poor production quality
LiamMetallurgy said:
Wow, cool I wasn't expecting this kind of response!

Well, this is the old school forum... Are you saying you underestimated us..? :). People post here when they want to know some obscure old school stuff and we never disappoint. ;) Just kidding dude. :lol:

LiamMetallurgy said:
Yeah I have all their albums burnt. I doubt they would ever have sold any original copies of their albums here in Australia.

Yea thats a known problem. To bad those distribution problems.

LiamMetallurgy said:
Yeah Kenn Nardi was a really original songwriter. I love what he did with "Screams and Whispers", the symphonic synths and stuff. Some of the stuff on "Reason" would sound really good had it not been marred by poor production quality

Thats one of the reasons I would love to see a comeback album from them.
These days its easy to get a good production.
Hawk said:
Well, this is the old school forum... Are you saying you underestimated us..? :). People post here when they want to know some obscure old school stuff and we never disappoint. ;) Just kidding dude. :lol:

Sweet as, I should feel very much at home here then :p I have heaps of stuff from lesser-known metal bands lying about the place, I try to get my friends to check them out but they don't seem interested. I've been trying to get hold of some Watchtower lately but hardly any shops here in Aus have any of their stuff. I guess their albums have gone out of print?
LiamMetallurgy said:
Sweet as, I should feel very much at home here then :p I have heaps of stuff from lesser-known metal bands lying about the place, I try to get my friends to check them out but they don't seem interested.

Yea I know the attitude, I get confronted by it all the time.
Althought this place is called old school you will find tons of discussion of old school style newer bands as well like Pagan's Mind, Vanden Plas, Symphony X and Nevermore.

Old school metal did not stop at 1990, so we like to continue the legacy.

LiamMetallurgy said:
I've been trying to get hold of some Watchtower lately but hardly any shops here in Aus have any of their stuff. I guess their albums have gone out of print?

Well they are hard to get but have you checked Amazon:

And in Germany:

You could also check Ebay. I hardly use that so you would have to find that yourself.

Enjoy the Watchtower cds!
