Anacrusis ...THIS MEANS YOU!!!!


Chef Metal
Jun 4, 2002
The Metal Kitchen
Hey everybody and all this thread has been done before but I am lazy and didnt want to search .... This is for those who havnt heard or heard of Anacrusis The absolutely Awsome Proggy-Thrash band from St.Louis whos last album was Released in 1993 .. its Old school :) Go here and Download the "Manic Impressions" and "Screams and Whispers" albums ... it wont cost you a dime and the band wont give a shit! if you do nothing else follow the link and Enjoy a Truely Progressive Band!
Anacrusis are a KILLER band!! Check them out! They come highly recommenced. They play an very original old school thrash wit a technical bent and intelligent lyrics [apart from the 1st album].
Anacrusis RULE!! So when is that reunion coming up?? :) :loco:
I bet Wacken would want to have them.
We otta Get ahold of Ken Nardi and Bug the shit out of him ya never know! ... can you imagine they music they would be making now if they had stayed together! it would be 10 times as Epic and Progressive then anything out there now!
I know man! It would slay. Yea, we have to kick his ass. :) Of course I mean that in the nicest possible way ;)

Maybe we should do an old school roll call of people willing to E-mail him :D
Hawk said:
I know man! It would slay. Yea, we have to kick his ass. :) Of course I mean that in the nicest possible way ;)

Maybe we should do an old school roll call of people willing to E-mail him :D

We Should!!!!! I dont know if he would be up to it hahaha But we sure can try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would Pee myself if there was a Reunion! hell if they needed a Bass player I would Step up for em! :loco:
JonnyD said:
it wont cost you a dime and the band wont give a shit! if you do nothing else follow the link and Enjoy a Truely Progressive Band!

I kind of agree, actually you can still find copies of those albums and the band will get a percentage (small I agree). On the other hand since thier 2 first albums are OOP you can download them without guilt ;)

And they are a great thrash band to enjoy indeed.
I love their debut, as well as their "Annihilation Complete" demo. I have Manic Impressions on CD thanks to Ebay, and it's ok, not really great, IMO. But also, IMO, The debut and demo are! ;)
Wicked Child said:
I love their debut, as well as their "Annihilation Complete" demo. I have Manic Impressions on CD thanks to Ebay, and it's ok, not really great, IMO. But also, IMO, The debut and demo are! ;)

Well that the great thing about this band O Ye Wicked One :) This band is so diverse that you can pick and choose what you like.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
By hell, this is a band that slipped past my radar. Until now. I downloaded Scream and Whispers and I AM VERY IMPRESSED. Heavy and progressive, very little growling....gotta love it!

Thanks JD! :headbang:

if this thread Reached one person who didnt know them I am happy! glad you Like em TSO!!!!!!!! they are a very cool band!
"Screams And Whispers" and "Manic Impressions" are available now at The End Records, and even cheaper (but with S&H) at
Well I mean we like the band, but as in adopt it...