ANAEMIA - video-clip frames uploaded. COMMENTS WELCOME :))

Ok, so here my thoughts on the video: It's not bad, but I was hoping something better. The song choice isn't for sure.
Anyhow, I always thought of an ideal videoclip for Novembre, I never head an exact idea how but I had a few pictures on my mind about having a boat, sea, etc.. Curiously, I was checking a vid from a band called Ava Inferi which is half Portuguese (Ethereal singer), half Norwegian (Mayhem guitar) and they made (in portugal) what I consider to be the best vid ever and which I think would fill in on Novembre's category. Have a look

Well, the old boat on the seashore in the beginning, reminds very much of my absolute fave song ever - and record too :)
As I've posted somewhere else on this forum, after reading the lyrix of 'Anaemia', I would've shot a different clip, especially the scenes with the girl walking around, but we have to consider that probably the band didn't have all the possibilities to do differently. And, of course, I would've chosen another song, especially if you consider that most of the lyrix deal with the sky, the sun, some colours in particular and so forth...

B.t.w., I didn't know this band you told us about.