well hear is my story of the day/night....
we(my gf and me) got there at about 3:30-4pm, when we started walking into downtown disney, right when we got in front on espn zone, my gf goes "hey that guy looks a lot like janne" i say(in the calmest voice ever, i dont know how the fuck i was so calm) "thats cause it is janne" and he walked by and i said "hey janne" and waved at him, he just nodded his head at me. so we continued to walk and we sat down, and we watched janne walk away, and these people went up to him and talked to him and took pictures. we didnt have our camera so we didnt take a pic with him, so we just walked over to the line to HoB. and while we were waiting line, we saw henkka walking to the stairs to go up to the venue, so we walked over to him and asked if we could take a pic with him, he said "sure" but we had to find someone to take the picture for us. so my gf talked to him while i went to go find someone to take it for us. so he put his arms around us and the guy took the pic. so we thanked him and went back to the line.
Then later we saw someone that looked A LOT like Jaska(he was wearing an Alcatraz Penatentery (sp?) shirt

) but we didnt think it was cause i didnt recognize him with his sunglasses on, and he went over to talk to somebody and henkka was coming down the stairs and started to talk to him and he took his sunglasses off. So we laughed cause it was him but they walked off so we just decided to wait til they came back. in about 5-10mins, both Jaska and Henkka came back so we walked up to them and asked for a pic with both of them and Henkka chuckled cause we said we were sorry for bugging him again. So we got our picture with them, and thanked them again. Then later we talked to this girl in line and when we were Janne walked by so we went up to him and asked for his picture(he seemed upset) and the girl we were talking to got his autograph on the Tokyo Warhearts cover.
So we just waited in line until the show started, and we saw people up on the balcony, one was Roope but we didnt realize it was him. and i think (the tour manager or one of the guys Bob was talking about) was pointing in our direction and we thought that was weird. so they started letting people in, my gf bought a COBHC work shirt. we went in and found a really good spot, right in front of the left speakers on the safety bar.
the show started after awhile. Evergrey played, they were pretty good, nice guitar solos, i dont really know any of their stuff so i cant really that much more, but the drummer, Jonas, was REALLY good. haha and during the last song the guitarist knocked over his mic and i laughed to myself. then after they got off stage. everyone started yellling "BODOM BODOM BODOM!!!".
haha and during the break in between Evergrey and Bodom, this guy standing by me said "Short people unite!" cause all these people were pushing a little, and everyone around us laughed
So they had sound checks for bodom, the roadies were playing their stuff, and then after a little while "they're coming to take me away, ha ha" starts playing, the crowd starts to go INSANE! and the guys start walking on stage, everyone is yelling and stuff. i started yelling when Roope got on stage, and when Alexi got on stage. there show was SO FUCKING GREAT! haha there was so much pushing and shoving, i was pushing people it was fun. but during part when henkka wasnt playing he looked over and saw my gf and me and smiled and waved and every so often he'd look at my gf when he wasnt playing(and now she has the hots for Henkka).and during a part where Jaska was just playing his bass drum he was looking around and saw people he recognized and pointing and smiling at them, he pointed and smiled at me. hahaha and during a really slow part of Angels Dont Kill(i think or some other song at a slow part) Roope went over to one of the mics and said "Hey". Alexi does spit quite a bit, but it didnt seem to bug me, it seemed to go with the time he'd do it. when they played Everytime I Die, Alexi was talking about the song and then goes this song is Every, then EVERYONE starts going crazy and yells "TIME I DIE!!!!!!!!!". i like shit my pants seeing the solo played. and then when they got to Downfall(last song

) everyone was like "NO!!!". Alexi said he was sorry but they only give them 45mins to play. so Janne started to play the beginning of Downfall, and alexi was telling everyone to cheer for Janne, and Alexi grabbed a beer and gave some to Janne. then alexi started to play his intro, and he sprayed it up in the air, it looked REALLY cool. so they finished.
my gf and me walked out of HoB and tried to find the buses to see if we could meet the guys. we found the buses, but they were in this security area, so we couldnt get back there. we were PISSED! so we walked back to find somewhere to sit, so we did. then my gf was hungry so she grabed a pretzel, so we ate that, and we started to walk back to find somewhere to get in the back. AND THEN....Roope walked by with some crew lady, i asked for a picture with him, we got it, i thanked him for the pic. THEN....i made the biggest fucking mistake in my life...."hey roope, do you know where Alexi is?" my gf said "sorry for asking". Roope seemed kindof annoyed and my gf was just like "oh god no". we walked off, i wanted to die for asking Roope that. and my gf didnt believe i asked him that, she was saying, "Hey, who am i?: 'hey roope, where's alexi??'"(cause the whole trip up to Anaheim, i told her NOT to ask Roope to do that, and guess who did, ME!!) so we walked to go to go find another place to sit down(by this fountain that like barfed water out) and THANK GOD! Roope walked by again. So i walked up to him and apologized to him, i said "Roope! Roope! Man I'm so sorry for askig where Alexi was, I heard you dont like being asked that a lot" and Roope was just like "nah that's okay" and i asked if there was any way we could get in the back but he said probably not cause HoB security is so bad. Then i asked if he would sign my guitar and he said he didnt really know cause of regulations and stuff, so i asked where the other guys were and he said he thought they were still inside. so he left and god i felt so much better after apologizing to him. he was really cool. so anyway my gf and i were hanging out by the fountain, and so i decided to go get my guitar. so i left and got it out of the car and we were just sitting there for a while, and chances didnt look good of getting it signed. so then some guys from evergrey came out and the lead singer and the drummer signed our tickets, and then *holy music* my gf spotted Roope walking down the stairs. so we ran over and Roope was talking to the lead singer of Evergrey about where they could buy some cigarettes, and the lead singer of Evergrey was saying how they're like 10 bucks out here, and Roope was all pissed about it. So i took out my guitar and asked him to sign it and as he was the security were being real dicks and telling him to go back inside, so he finished signing it and as i was putting it away he was all trying to look at it. so he was talking to me and my gf and then security was all yelling at him, and we asked if there was any way he could get Alexi to come out but he said he didnt think so because, in his words, "the security is being real assholes", so he said he was really sorry and that he felt bad since we really wanted to see the rest of the guys, and he was like, all reluctantly "well...you guys have a good night". we were all really bummed about it, even him. it really sucked. my gf was upset cause she knew i wanted to get my guitar signed by Alexi too, and she really wanted to meet him also (even though, as i said, she has the hots for Henkka now,

yeah the show was fucking awesome though. i'll post the pictures after we get them developed this weekend.
oh yeah and in case you didnt know..... Roope > Alexi