Holy fucking shit


Clad in Shadows
Sep 3, 2002
Under a Funeral Moon
I just got back from Children of Bodom. I'm not home right now, so this isn't a formal review of the show. [if you saw my thread about the Asbury Park show, you'll see what to expect when I get home tomorrow.] Simply fucking phenominal. Hypocrisy was amazing as usual, and Children of Bodom had the best crowd reaction I'd ever seen. Everyone knew the lyrics, everyone cheered between songs, and there was even a "BODOM! BODOM!" chant once they left. Alexi apologized for not being able to play longer, but promised to come back. Nevermore followed up COB really well. Their set was full of thrashy songs; the crowd was really into it. I left after Nevermore and went to meet COB. I met a few people from the forums out there [Yngvai, among others], and also met Roope, Janne, and Jaska. Got autographs from Jaska and Roope. Roope was drunk as hell... he made a comment about watching them put down cement on the sidewalk and laughed about it.

Overall, I give the show a 100000000/10 rating. Simply fucking amazing.
asphyXy said:
Overall, I give the show a 100000000/10 rating. Simply fucking amazing.
haha hey, you're that kid we were waiting outside with for alexi and everyone to come out. how much longer did you stay? (im the short girl)

same fucking here. totally werth the 25 minuets that they played. i felt the sound in there could hav done em more justice, but i was kinda right next to the speaker. omg ive never ever seen that place more packed in my life (and ive gone there 100's of times) but yea like he said most of that crowd there was mainly just for bodom, and everyone there was into it.. the best part was watching janne play cause the shit he does is sick... (i was on his side of the stage) definately anxious for them to came back =]
hey i saw them in DC and it was fuckin awesome. i swear i almost killed some people there who didnt like bodom! i hate people who get in the front and dont even like the damn band... anyways, i was right infront of henkka (my man...hehe) and they were so amazing that night. where did you guys see them play? was it at DC, cus i thought that club sucked ass? i wanted soooo bad to meet cob but my friends and i came 4 hours to see them, and we had to leave right after they played because we all had work and school the next day, sux right? well i had a great time. what venue were you guys all at?
It is true...When I saw Roope at the L.A. show he was so fucking wasted and he couldn't even talk...haha he was speaking a mix between Finnish and English but just kinda got lost in what he was trying to say all together! It was classic...Then, the next night at the San Fran show, he was shitfaced again....It was funny as hell!
when i saw them in frisco i got pics with alexi, henka, janne, and jaska. During Dimmu Henka and Jaska came out and watched the show right next to us it was cool we got to watch Dimmu with some cool ass dudes, we also watched some dudes jump off the balcony, Henka seemed pretty amused by it.
asphyXy said:
I just got back from Children of Bodom. I'm not home right now, so this isn't a formal review of the show. [if you saw my thread about the Asbury Park show, you'll see what to expect when I get home tomorrow.] Simply fucking phenominal. Hypocrisy was amazing as usual, and Children of Bodom had the best crowd reaction I'd ever seen. Everyone knew the lyrics, everyone cheered between songs, and there was even a "BODOM! BODOM!" chant once they left. Alexi apologized for not being able to play longer, but promised to come back. Nevermore followed up COB really well. Their set was full of thrashy songs; the crowd was really into it. I left after Nevermore and went to meet COB. I met a few people from the forums out there [Yngvai, among others], and also met Roope, Janne, and Jaska. Got autographs from Jaska and Roope. Roope was drunk as hell... he made a comment about watching them put down cement on the sidewalk and laughed about it.

Overall, I give the show a 100000000/10 rating. Simply fucking amazing.

Lucky you for meeting them! How'd you get the chance to? I waited by their tour bus for nearly an hour last wednesday when they played here in cleveland... henkka came out for a short time then went back in the bus and then roope walked by and promised to come back out but never did (at least in that time I was waiting for them to come out) so, I got tired (from standing in the freezing weather) and left... I didn't get to meet them! but I'm sure there will be other chances in the future!!!
oceanqueen44 said:
Lucky you for meeting them! How'd you get the chance to? I waited by their tour bus for nearly an hour last wednesday when they played here in cleveland... henkka came out for a short time then went back in the bus and then roope walked by and promised to come back out but never did (at least in that time I was waiting for them to come out) so, I got tired (from standing in the freezing weather) and left... I didn't get to meet them! but I'm sure there will be other chances in the future!!!

Patience and waiting on in the cold gets you the chance to meet them. Well I only got to meet Alexi but it was worth it.
I just knocked on the bus and Janne and Roope came out. Janne went back in quickly [maybe he's still sick?], but Roope stayed out and chatted with us. We caught Jaska coming to the bus, and he chatted with us for a little while. I got autographs from Roope and Jaska, [I got alexi's in Asbury, so not getting him wasn't a big deal]

denora: we went home as soon as we left that backstage area. My friend's dad was really pissed that we were waiting so long, and he had to wake up early the next morning. Did you even meet Alexi? Hopefully it was worth the wait...
asphyXy said:
Did you even meet Alexi? Hopefully it was worth the wait...
nope :( never came out. we waited a lil while longer. at least i met jaska =] next time around i really gotta learn a few werds in finnish.... i think alexi stayed inside till the end of dimmu, and dimmu plays for like 3 hours so we were like fuck it, everyone had to be somewhere the next day. waiting aorund didnt bother me though i did get something out of it =P i was out there from the end of the bodom set till like ....many hours later....
well im not gonna be bitter or anything =P its nice to say a few werds and shit, but ive just been psyched to see em live since i heard about the show in, june/july? ive been stareing at the tix fer months... i still gotta develop that pic wif jaska. im slow... but yea hopefully in short time they'll be back, though i prolly wont want to see them at that same venue again vs nj