Anal Cunt- It Just Gets Worse (10/10)

Oblivious Maximus

I am the worm
Nov 5, 2003
Serving time in the middle of nowhere
Anal Cunt- It Just Gets Worse (1999)
Earache Records

This is my favorite A.C. album. This is no doubt their most extreme, musically and lyriclly. Not all of this album is sensless blasting. There are a couple of real songs here, with some catchy hooks, mostly the chorses. The album has many highlights, which I will list below.

1. "I Became a Conselor so I Could Tell Rape Victems they Asked for It". The first track starts out with some blasting, then the chorus kicks in, with a awesome blast beat with Seth screaming "You deserved it, you dumb fucking cunt!"

2. "Easy E. got AIDS from F. Mercury" starts off like track 1, and the chorus is very catchy.

7. "Rancid Sucks (and The Clash Sucked Too)" starts off with a catchy punkish riff, then goes into some blasting. I agree 100% with the Rancid sucks part, but I like the Clash.

13. "I Lit Your Baby on Fire" This is an actual song, no blasting at all, and it's the catchiest song on the album. Same riff the entire song, but it's good. I think it's also the longest song on here. Runs over 1:00.

14. "Body by Auschwitz". This is the 2nd heaviest song on the album. All blasting. It's about a fat guy who can't loose weight, so he goes to Auschwitz.

21. "Hitler was a Sensitive Man" stars off with a catchty riff, then goes into some blasting, and the chorus is all blasting.

26. "I Gave NAMBLA Pitcures of Your Kid". This is a great song for me, because I want so badly to do this do a kid I dont like. But, the song has a good chorus.

31. "Dead Beat Dads are Cool" starts off with a great riff, and has a typical A.C. blasting chorus. Great song.

37. "BT/AC" is all blasting and has no lyrics, it's just Seth making fun of Kevin Sharps terrible voice, and it's hysterical.

38. "I Sold Your Dog to a Chinese Resturant" is my favorite song on the cd. It's the heaviest, and most pissed off.