Analog dither CD ??


who is that crazy knee grow avatar

its like a black dude with a batman mask ready to rob you...

mr niel... you scare me....
frankfurt... i find it odd that any digital plugin maker talks about bringing out analog warmth through a digital plugin..
Lol, I'm with you Ether. Although the plugs do have their uses, basically I think the point of these plugins is to "correct" what digital recording sounds like. The developers typically are analog lovers and they program these plugs to boost/cut things in whatever you put them on to basically filter out the "digital sound". It does....well something to the tracks but I usually never really liked any of the plugins that claim to add that "analog warmth" just in general. If I wanted what these plugins offer, I would've recorded on something analog. I'm fine with just using an analog console, instead of emulating it.

its added background noise like brett says. I love the crane song stuff myself, the phoenix plug in is great and the tape saturation on the spider is subtle but cool.
I never even heard of anything like that before.

Quite interesting.
I have it. Actually Dave gave it to me. It's a really long (151.5mb stereo 16bit AIFF file) on a C.D.
Not at my D.A.W. computer at the moment, but it adds subtle {{noise}} at certain frequencies. Sorry can't remember which freqs. but it's one high and one low frequency range. To us it does add subtle....repeat subtle /warmth to a track. SUBTLE... is the key word here. If you did an all acoustic recording it might be more noticeable. Cool to have though!:Spin:
I've got it too. Very very subtle, but sounds better than most other dithers I've tried. If I have to dither, it's with the Crane Song file.